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Eksistensi Ciu di Suatu Wilayah:(Studi kasus pada Jaringan Eksistensi Ciu di Suatu WIlayah).

Dewa Indra P.A.J.P, Soeprapto

2015 | Skripsi | Sosiologi

ABSTRACT It is undeniable that to date liquor has become a necessity by many in fulfilling a desire and need for a lifestyle to include lower classes of society. At first liquor can be obtained by all walks of life, but now only a little difficult for the people of lower classes because there is a rise in the price of branded liquor. The impact of price increases branded liquor made of the lower class consumers seek alternative liquor that can be reached by the ability of their economies, namely liquor ciu’s. Though it is common knowledge ciu is illegal drinks that are not guaranteed safe for consumption. Society as a social control must be reported and to prevent the circulation of liquor ciu existing in the surrounding environment. So the existence of liquor ciu that exist in an area becomes a case study must be conducted to be able to uncover why the seller can ciu doing business between the discourse of liquor ciu it is illegal. To answer the above problems, it has carried out a qualitative study using a case study approach that is suitable to examine this issue. The case study is a case of trying to uncover how the context of the events, phenomena, or the case is being investigated. There ciu’s sellers that exist in an region of criminality is a social phenomenon that occurs in the community for violating the legislation in force, quor is now a debate in society as claimed many casualties and trigger criminal behavior as published by the media of television and newspapers. The negative impact of liquor for everyone has been very troubling of all parties This study uses social exchange theory to examine the case of the circulation of liquor ciu that exist in the region. Reciprocal relationship between the seller ciu the network becomes an important factor why ciu trade in the region still exist. The existence of favorable transactional each actor with the seller ciu the basis of the relationship is maintained and trading activity ciu maintained until the formation of a social network ties between sellers with actors successors. Position liquor ciu as an alternative has changed society's construction of discourse beverages illegal ciu. Ciu as the embodiment of social class on which they usually pass the lower social classes regarding price increases branded liquor used ordinary people to be able to enjoy the needs and desires will be a force, the lifestyle of modern style. The reciprocal relationship between the seller ciu with its network of actors have a role in protecting and maintaining ciu circulation in the region making the community as a social control is not working and the law does not run, despite being among the news discourse about the dangers of illegal liquor Key Word : The ciu’s existence in a region, as liquor ciu alternative, the exchange relationship between the seller ciu with actors

Kata Kunci : Masalah Sosial - Minuman Keras(Ciu)

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