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Lord of the Rings sebagai Nation Branding Selandia Baru

KISWAYA, Afifah Ramadinda, Maharani Hapsari

2014 | Skripsi | Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

ABSTRACT This paper examines the New Zealand’s decision on using Lord of The Rings (LOTR) movies as nation branding since 2001. The main argument in this paper is that the decision is an effort to increase its competitive identity. The competitive identity is needed by the New Zealand to support their national economic that was decreasing. A better competitive identity is expected to be able increase its tourism sector, and in a long term to attract more investors. The government’s role on this decision is also pretty massive, since they directly participate on its application. The government also being negotiator when a dispute between the movie maker and the actors union came up. The result of the study on this paper is that New Zealand’s decision on using LOTR as nation branding is a rational choice. And this strategy works pretty well for New Zealand, it’s showed by the better rank that New Zealand reached in the Global Competitiveness Index. Keywords: New Zealand, Lord of The Rings, Nation Branding, Competitive Identity, Soft Power

Kata Kunci : Iklan, Merk - Selandia Baru

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