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Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Perizinan pada Pemerintah Daerah DIY:Aplikasi Importance Performance Analysis

Puji Winanti, Ely Susanto

2017 | Tesis | S2 Magister Administrasi Publik

ABSTRACT Office of One Stop Licensing Services DIY (KP2TSP DIY) is a unit of work in the Local Government of Yogyakarta Special Region which has the task of coordinating and organizing administrative services in the field of licensing in an integrated manner with the principles of coordination, integration, synchronization, simplification, security and certainty. Service system adopted is a one stop service system (PTSP), where the applicant can simply come to one place for the various licenses of 18 sectors required with fast service, transparent and certain. Formation of KP2TSP is a manifestation of the commitment of the Regional Government of DIY to provide public services to the fullest and create a conducive investment climate in providing services and certainty for investors and community satisfaction. The quality of the licensing service provided to the public must be scalable in order to identifying the extent to which the service is received by the public. To improve the quality of licensing services efforts are needed continuous improvements based on the measurement results that can be trusted. Therefore, the author conducted a research on the analysis of the quality of the licensing service in the KP2TSP DIY which aims to (1) determine the gap between the quality of the licensing service (performance) with the quality of service that is considered important by the applicant community (importance); (2) determine what factors are considered most important by the applicant community based on five dimensions of SERVQUAL and (3) priority improvements that need to be done in order to improve the quality of licensing services. This study is a survey research using five dimensions of SERVQUAL that is tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy as an indicator of the quality of service and prioritization of repairs performed using Importance Performance Analysis.. The results showed that (1) there is a gap between the Performance and Importance amounted to -0.48; (2) the factors that are considered important by the applicant community includes responsiveness dimension (4,65), reliability dimension (4,60) and assurance dimension (4,57); (3) the main priority improvements that need to be done by the KP2TSP DIY namely the location of the office is located, the availability of websites that can support services, the availability of information systems that support the service, concierge services is available in sufficient quantity, the ability of personnel to provide services and officers provide guarantees on time in service. While the priority for the further improvement are service requirements are clearly posted, the availability of Internet network access (wifi) and has a clear service standards. Keywords: public services, the quality of licensing services, SERVQUAL, IPA

Kata Kunci : Pelayanan Publik

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