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Inklusi dan Literasi Keuangan di Tengah Masyarakat:(Studi tentang Implementasi Program Inklusi dan Literasi Keuangan di Desa Bejiharjo, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Provinsi Yogyakarta

Frischa Anggasari, Hendrie Adji Kusworo

2016 | Tesis | Pembangunan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan

ABSTRACT Financial literacy and inclusion is a program Otoritas Jasa Keuangan to overcome poor access people in rural areas to service of formal financial services. This program working with financial institutions formal, one of which is through program Laku Pandai. Program literasi and inclusion financial are considered ideal to be applied to the community in rural area with the aim of enhancing the community s access to financial services formal. On the other side so far the community has been able to keep pace with traditional values of, so that traditional values of side by side with modern values through the program financial literacy. The implementation of the program and a contradiction between modern value brought by the government with traditional value during this is embraced by the community to be the focus of this research. The research was conducted in the rural area bejiharjo, karangmojo, the kidul.Informants from research is villagers bejiharjo follows a training program financial management, and investors in the inclusion and financial literacy in the village bejiharjo.The purpose of this research to know the models of financial management that is in the public and the program and financial literacy inclusion in the village bejiharjo.This research in a qualitative descriptive with the approach, data collection using interviews, observation to join the directly, from a written and documentation. So far the highest traditionally value be a safety net them, on the other side and financial literacy inclusion thrusting modernity value in the traditional society. The program financial literacy and inclusion in the village Bejiharjo just be a means of formal financial institutions recruit new account holders in rural area, rural communities that have been included in the category of unbanked into an object in this program. The program has not been able to answer the needs rural communities the truth. So the purpose of this program in order to run economy rural communities through the financial literacy and inclusion not run with should have been, and through programs is used the formal financial institutions to get new account holders in rural areas Keywords: Financial literacy, financial inclusion, financial services authority, the banking system, Informal safety nets.

Kata Kunci : Perbankan

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