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FAJAR IKHWANDI, Zaki Baridwan, Prof. Dr., M.Sc.

2016 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa logistik di sektor energi dengan menyediakan berbagai layanan logistik yang bisa disesuaikan. Mencakup jasa logistik terintegrasi, manajemen gudang, manajemen shorebase, logistik proyek, pengiriman industri, dan logistik batubara. Penerapan balanced scorecard di PT.XYZ dimulai pada tahun 2012, dengan tujuan mensinergikan dan memaksimalkan sumber daya dari masing-masing fungsi lintas departemen dengan berfokus pada peningkatan kinerja utama yang berkesinambungan. Dari empat perspektif balanced scorecard yang berjalan internal process perspective merupakan salah satu kunci sukses bisnis PT.XYZ di tahun 2013, dan kebijakan bisnis order-to-cash dan procure-to-pay di PT.XYZ membutuhkan adanya sistem e-business yang terintegrasi salah satunya adalah e-procurement. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis key performance indicator dan Balanced Scorecard, meliputi uji koefisien korelasi menggunakan regresi linier berganda untuk melihat hubungan antara implementasi e-procurement PT.XYZ terhadap internal process perspective. Nilai R2 yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa implementasi e-procurement terhadap perilaku penilaian internal process perspective sangat lemah atau tidak berpengaruh sama sekali (R2: 0,017). Atas analisa yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: Penerapan e-procurement memiliki pengaruh terhadap perspektif internal dalam balanced scorecard. PT.XYZ mengalami peningkatan kinerja setelah penerapan e- Procurement antara 6-11%, meskipun kinerja penerapan e-Procurement itu sendiri masih belum baik terhadap kinerja Total Quality Management. Penerapan eprocurement meningkatkan kinerja internal process perspective sebesar 2,55% dengan meningkatkan kinerja Superior Customer portofolio management dengan cukup signifikan yaitu sebesar 11,5%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai penerapan ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) sebagai e-Collaboration antara e-Procurement dan e-CRM di PT.XYZ.

PT. XYZ is a company engaged in the field of logistics services in the energy sector by providing a range of logistics services that can be customized. Includes integrated logistics services, warehouse management, shorebase management, project logistics, shipping industry, and coal logistics. The application of balanced scorecard in PT.XYZ started in 2012, with the goal to maximize synergy and resources of each function across departments with the main focus on continuous performance improvement. From the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard which runs the internal process perspective is one key to business success PT.XYZ in 2013, and the business policy of order-to-cash and procure-to-pay in PT.XYZ require a system of integrated e-business one of them is e-procurement. The analysis performed included analysis of key performance indicators and Balanced Scorecard, including correlation coefficient test using multiple linear regression to examine the relationship between the implementation of e-procurement PT.XYZ against the internal process perspective. The resulting value of R2 indicates that the implementation of e-procurement to the the behavior of assessment internal process perspective are very weak or no effect completely (R2: 0.017). On the analysis that has been done, the conclusion that: The Implementation of e-procurement has an influence on the internal perspective of the balanced scorecard. PT.XYZ increased performance after the implementation of e-Procurement between 6-11%, although the performance of e- Procurement application itself is still not good on the performance of Total Quality Management. Implementation of e-procurement improve the performance of the internal process perspective of 2.55% by improving the performance of Superior Customer portfolio management with quite significantly by 11.5%. Based on the results of this study need to be done further research on the application of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) as an e-Collaboration between the e-Procurement and e-CRM in PT.XYZ.

Kata Kunci : balanced scorecard, internal process perspective, e-procurement, key performance indicator, R2, uji koefisien korelasi, ERP, e-business