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Analisis Strategi Diplomasi Bisnis Perusahaan Multinasional Air Asia di Asia Tenggara

ANGGARDHA PARAMITA, Dr. Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati, M.A.

2013 | Skripsi | Ilmu Hubungan Internasional


The South East Asian based aviation company named Air Asia is recognizable among travellers as a multinational airline. Air Asia well-known as the airline which offers affordable flight service competing Tiger Airways in similar operating areas, namely South East Asia. Began with routes around South East Asia, Air Asia now has aviated around the globe. Air Asia has broaden its operational range as far as Middle Asia and Europe. However, Air Air Asia’s business expansion in South East Asia magnetizes the world’s economic-political consideration for the most. In a decade, Air Asia successfully strengthen its influence in South East Asia. Many people, even the consumers of Air Asia themselves, barely know the capacity of diplomacy of Air Asia. Most of them only recognize Air Asia by its budget flight program. This Malaysian-established company authorized by the owner who takes responsibility as the Chief Executive Officer, Tony Fernandes. Under his leadership, Air Asia becomes the South East Asian prideful airline. However, Tony Fernandes as a business actor pulled off plenty of efforts to develop Air Asia using diplomatic strategy. This aimed to sustain the business existence and its growth.

Kata Kunci : Air Asia, Tony Fernandes, Business Diplomacy

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