Laporkan Masalah


HUDI WAHYU P, Dr. Atik Triratnawati,. M.A


Hubungan antara pemilik kos dengan anak kos pada masa lalu merupakan Yogyakarta dikenal sebagai kota pelajar dan kota pendidikan. Hal tersebut menarik minat mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah untuk belajar di Yogyakarta. Mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah itu membutuhkan tempat tinggal sementara selama menempuh pendidikan. Kebutuhan tempat tinggal merupakan kebutuhan pokok. hubungan sosial dan ekonomi. Hubungan sosial yang berwujud hubungan kekeluargaan lebih menonjol meskipun tidak terlepas dari hubungan ekonomi. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, hubungan antara anak kos dengan induk semang mengalami pergeseran dan perubahan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sehingga data diwujudkan dalam bentuk deskripsi. Informan Tujuan penelitian secara umum adalah untuk melihat dan menggambarkan interaksi sosial mahasiswa kos di Yogyakarta dengan lingkungannya. Kos-kosan di Yogyakarta terus berkembang. Penelitian berlangsung dari November 2012 sampai April 2013. dalam penelitian ini ada 10 orang yang terdiri dari 4 mahasiswa kos putra, 4 mahasiswa kos putri dan 2 pemilik kos. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan observasi. memiliki bebera Pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dalam memilih kos pa alasan, selain dekat dengan kampus alasan lainnya yaitu mendapatkan kebebasan, melatih kemandirian, mendapatkan teman yang sesuai, mencari kenyamanan, harga yang sesuai dan coba-coba. Dalam hubungan sosial, mahasiswa kos tidak banyak berinteraksi dengan pemilik kos. Pemilik kos juga tidak banyak berkomunikasi dengan anak kos. Bagi pemilik kos yang penting anak kos membayar dan mentaati peraturan. Mahasiswa kos juga tidak berinteraksi dengan lingkungan masyarakat. Minimnya interaksi sosial antara mahasiswa kos dengan lingkungannya disebabkan oleh adanya internet, mahasiswa yang memiliki komunitas di luar lingkungan kos seperti di kampus sehingga akan lebih mementingkan komunitasnya sendiri dengan mengabaikan masyarakat, sifat selektif bergaul karena label eksklusif sebagai mahasiswa dan ego yang dimiliki sehingga membuat jarak dengan masyarakat, dan kesibukan kuliah. Hal-hal tersebut menyebabkan mahasiswa kos tidak bergaul dengan masyarakat. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kos tidak berinteraksi dengan pemilik kos dan masyarakat

Yogyakarta, basically is well known both as the student and education city. As result, it attracts several students in various areas to study in Yogyakarta. These students, therefore, require a place to stay in while they are pursuing their education. The necessity of shelter, thus, is basic requirement for those students. At past, the relationship of the owner’s boarding house and the student, staying in boarding house, was socio–economic matter. Primarily, the social relationship in kinship form was more prominent, even it was not separated from the economic. As a passage of time, the relation of the owner and boarded - student is gradually changing and shifting. The purpose of this recent work, in general, is to know and depict social interaction of boarded students in Yogyakarta with their environment. Numerous boarding houses located in is developed continuously. The research starts form November 2012 to April 2013. The method uses qualitative approach, thus the data implemented is in description design. The informant moreover of the research comprises of 10 people, consisting of four boarded –male students, four boarded female students and two owners of boarding houses. The technique of data collecting is interview and observation. Finding and discussion of this work is that those students prefer to stay in boarding house for several reasons. Aside of it is close to college, there are some reasons, which are obtaining freedom, training their independence, getting suitable friend, seeking comfortable, looking reasonable rate and try out. In social interaction, further the boarded students have not interacted much with the owner. Similarly, the owner has done neither. For the owner, the important thing is that the boarded student pay their room and obey the rule. As same as previous result, the boarded student do not interact with society surrounding as well. Their insignificant social interaction of the boarded students and their surrounding is caused by existing of internet, students having community outside the boarding house’s environment, such as in college, so that they are more concerned with their own community by ignoring the society. They have selective attitude in interaction as they get exclusive label as student and the ego they possessed thus it creates a gap with the society. In addition, they have busy schedule in lecturing. Those reasons result that the boarded students do not interact with the society. Finally, the conclusion of the research is that the boarded students do not interact with the owner of boarding house as well as the society surrounding their boarding house

Kata Kunci : Kos, Patembayan, Paguyuban, Individualis, Ekonomi

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