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Psychosocial factors contributing to risk taking behaviour among adolescent-motorcyclists :: A case study in Sragen

WINIASRI, Linda, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Makhamah, M.Sc

2010 | Tesis | S2 Magister Sistem Teknik dan Transportasi


This research was conducted due to high number of adolescentmotorcyclists’ accidents in many countries. The accidents rate of young novice riders is the highest among other groups of age. As teenagers, adolescentmotorcyclists are still lack of skill and experience that lead them to do risky riding behavior. Beside those two factors, there are still many other factors which may contribute to the occurrence of risky riding behavior. This research examines how factors such as age, gender, riding license ownership, riding experience, accidents’ occurrence, traffic ticket incident, and psychosocial risk factors (road users, vehicle, and road/environment) will have an influence on risk taking behavior. The population in this research was adolescent-motorcyclists in Sragen, which were students of high schools and adolescents in general with age 16-19 years old. This research used psychosocial factors questionnaires, and risk taking behavior questionnaire as an instrument tool for the research; and some demographical questions to examine the correlation with the dependent variable. Multiple regression analysis would be used to examine the hypothesis. From the multiple regression analysis, it is found that from eight independent variables which assumed to have an influence on risk taking behaviour, there are only three variables which have significant influence on risk taking behavior of adolescent-motorcyclists (psychosocial risk factors, which consist of road users, vehicle, and road/environment). While five other factors, which is gender, riding license ownership, riding experience, accidents’ occurrence, traffic ticket incident are proven not having significant influence on risk taking behaviour. The regression analysis shows that the R score is 0.748. It means that the correlation or relation between risk taking behavior and three independent variables are categorized quite strong. R square shows 0.559, this means that only 55.9 percent from variation of risk taking behaviour can be explained with perspective risk as road users, vehicle, and road/environment of psychosocial risk factors. While the rest of it (100%-55.9%=44.1%) maybe explained by other causes or variables

Kata Kunci : Risk taking behaviour,Psychosocial risk factors,Adolescent,motorcyclists

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