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Evaluasi program keselamatan pasien di IGD Rumah Sakit Pusat Persahabatan

ELVIA, Zubaidah, DR. Dr. Felix Kasim, M.Kes

2009 | Tesis | S2 IKM/MMR

Latar belakang. Rumah sakit merupakan sebuah lembaga yang melakukan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan harus mampu menjalankan manajemen yang berprinsip pada customer oriented dan patient safety. Saat ini program keselamatan pasien yang merupakan domain utama dari kualitas pelayanan kesehatan telah menjadi perhatian yang serius sejak Institute of Medicine di Amerika Serikat menerbitkan laporannya ( 2000) : To err is Human, Building a safer Health System. Sejak bulan Desember 2006 program keselamatan pasien sudah mulai dilaksanakan di RSUP Persahabatan melalui program 6 goals keselamatan pasien. Setelah lebih dari 2 tahun program ini berjalan, penulis melihat pelaksanaannya cenderung tidak konsisten, dimana masih ada KTD dan masih adanya KTD yang tidak dilaporkan. Tujuan.Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pelaksanaan dan pengawasan program 5 goals dari 6 goals keselamatan pasien di IGD RSUP Persahabatan dan tujuan khusus adalah mengevaluasi pelaksanaan dan pengawasan terhadap masing-masing program 5 goals keselamatan pasien di IGD RSUP Persahabatan. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis rancangan studi kasus tunggalo holistic, dimana pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan telaah dokumen. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan menggunakan thematic analisis. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Pelaksanaan program 5 goals keselamatan pasien di IGD RSUP nilai baik dan sangat baik berikut ini, goal memperbaiki identitas pasien 1,04%, goals meningkatkan komunikasi efektif 6,77% ( hasil dari 30 sampel dengan 5 item observasi terpenuhi adalah 86,6 % ), goal mengurangi kesalahan pemberian obat 0%, goal pencegahan infeski nosokomial 32,03%, goal mencegah pasien jatuh dari tempat tidur 9,89%. Pengawasan program 5 goals keselamatan pasien tidk berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor yaitu faktor SDM pelaksana dan pengawas, faktor sarana dan prasarana, faktor sistem operasional IGD dan tidak adanya perencanaan dan standar pengawasan. Kesimpulan dan Saran. Pelaksanaan 5 goals Keselamatan Pasien dan pengawasannya tidak berjalan dengan baik dikarenakan faktor-faktor tersebut diatas, sehingga perlu perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, sarana-prasarana, sosialisasi keselamatan pasien secara rutin, perlu perencanaan pengawasan dan penentuan alat ukur (standar) pengawasan 5 goals keselamatan pasien dan membuat pelaksanaan goals keselamatan pasien sebagai bagian integral dari sistem manajemen operasional di IGD RSUP Persahabatan

Background. Hospital is an institution which delivers a healthcare service with good principles of management and also oriented in customer and patient safety. Recently, the patient safety initiative, a main domain to quality healthcare service has been a serious concern since the Institute of Medicine published their report in 2000: To err is Human, Building a Safer Health System. Since December 2006, a patient safety initiative had been launched at Persahabatan Hospital through their 6 goals of patient safety initiative. After more than two years executing the goals, the writer realized the patient safety initiative tends to be inconsistent where there are some of adverse events remain occurred and unreported. Objective. The main goal of this research is to evaluate and monitoring the 5 of 6 goals of patient safety initiative at the Emergency Unit of Persahabatan Hospital. And the specific goal is to evaluate and monitor each of the initiative from 5 goals of patient safety at the Emergency Unit of Persahabatan Hospital. Method. This research is using type of set of single holistic case of study, where data were collected through observation, interview and document prescribing. Data were analyzed using the qualitative analyzing method with thematic analysis. Results. The implementation of the 5 goals patient safety initiative at emergency unit of Persahabatan with good and excellent score are: goal to improve patient identification 1,04%, goal to improve effective communication 6,77% (result from 30 samples with completed 5 items of observation was 86,6 % ) , goal to reduce medical error 0%, goal to prevent nosokomial infection 32,03%, goal to prevent patient from fall 9,89%. The monitoring of the 5 goals patient safety initiative was not work properly. This caused by few factors, which are: human resources (staff and supervisor), utilities, operational system of the Emergency Unit of Persahabatan Hospital, and the absent of monitoring setting and standard. Conclusions and Suggestions. The implementation of the 5 goals Patient Safety Initiative at Emergency Unit of Persahabatan Hospital was not work properly caused by those mentioned above factors, so there were need of improvement both quality and quantity of the human resources, and utilities factors, with a routine patient safety socialization and also the need of set of monitoring system and the establishment of measurement tools (standards) on monitoring the 5 goals patient safety initiative and the most important thing is an effort to make patient safety initiative as an integral part of operational management system at the Emergency Unit of Persahabatan Hospital.

Kata Kunci : Keselamatan pasien,5 goals,Evaluasi,Pengawasan,Metode analisis kualitatif, Patient safety, 5 goals, evaluation, monitoring, qualitative analysis method

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