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Optimasi produksi white charcoal dari arang limbah cangkang kelapa sawit

KURNIAWAN, Edy Wibowo, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purnama Darmadji, MSc

2008 | Tesis | S2 Teknologi Hasil Perkebunan

Potensi limbah padat pengolahan tandan buah segar kelapa sawit menjadi Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dan Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) meningkat, seiring perkembangan luasan areal perkebunan kelapa sawit dan produksi minyak sawit. Diperkirakan limbah padat mencapai 39,7 juta Ton/tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal produksi white charcoal dari arang limbah cangkang kelapa sawit, khususnya suhu dan waktu pirolisa, dengan nilai karbon terikat dan nilai kalori yang maksimal serta profil white charcoal dari arang limbah cangkang kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama merupakan produksi briket arang cangkang kelapa sawit. Arang dihaluskan sampai 60 mesh kemudian dicampur dengan perekat tapioka 10%, selanjutnya dicetak sekaligus dikempa (200 kg/cm2), dilapisi ZnCl2 dan dikeringkan. Tahap berikutnya berupa pirolisa pada beberapa suhu tinggi (600, 700, 800 °C) selama (2, 4, 6 jam). Hasil white charcoal dianalisa sifat fisik berupa kekerasan, rendemen, dan nilai kalori serta sifat kimia berupa kandungan karbon terikat, kadar air, bahan volatil, dan kadar abu. Kemudian dilakukan optimasi dengan Response Surface Method (RSM) agar diperoleh kondisi optimal untuk memproduksi white charcoal dari arang limbah cangkang kelapa sawit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan cara produksi white charcoal optimum di dapat apabila briket arang cangkang kelapa sawit dipirolisa pada suhu 742,8 ºC selama 4,46 jam. White charcoal yang diproduksi pada titik optimum mempunyai kandungan karbon terikat 81,77 %, kadar zat volatil 2,78 %, kadar air 1,7%, abu 13,73%, dan nilai kalori 31969,19KCal/kg.

Solid waste potency of processing fresh fruit branch become crude palm oil (CPO) And palm kernel oil (PKO) mount, along growth of oil palm plantation area and produce the palm oil. Estimated a solid waste reach 39,7 million Ton per year. This research aim to get the optimal condition produce the white charcoal from oil palm shell charcoal waste, specially temperature and time pirolysis, with maximal of fixed carbon value and assess calorie and also profile of white charcoal from oil palm shell charcoal waste. Research executed in two phase. First phase represent the production of oil palm shell briquette. Charcoal attenuated until 60 mesh later; then mixed by glue cassava 10%, hereinafter printed at one blow pressed ( 200 kg/ cm2), arranged in layers by Zncl2 and dried. Next phase is pirolysis at some high temperature ( 600, 700, 800 ºC) during ( 2, 4, 6 hours). White charcoal product analysed by physical characteristic in the form of hardness, rendemen, and assess calorie and also the chemistry characteristic in the form of fixed carbon content, moisture content, volatil matter, and ash content. Later conducted by optimation by response surface method (RSM) to be obtained a optimal condition to produce the white charcoal from oil palm shell charcoal waste. Result of research make the point that the optimum production white charcoal earning if oil palm shell briquette pirolysed at temperature 742,8 º C during 4,46 hours. White Charcoal produced at optimum have fixed carbon content 81,77 %, volatil matter content 2,78 %, moisture content 1,7%, ash content 13,73%, and assess calorie 31969,19 KCal / kg.

Kata Kunci : Optimasi,white charcoal,cangkang kelapa sawit,Optimation, White Charcoal, Oil Palm Shell

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