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Tanggapan masyarakat terhadap pengembangan ekowisata di Selo Kabupaten Boyolali

SUBANDI, Prof.Dr.Ir. Chafid Fandeli, MS

2006 | Tesis | S2 Magister Kajian Pariwisata

Dalam penelitian tentang Tanggapan Masyarakat Terhadap Pengembangan Ekowisata Di Selo Kabupaten Boyolali ini, masalah yang dirumuskan untuk diteliti adalah bagaimana perubahan aspek sosial, ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat Selo sebagai akibat berkembangnya obyek wisata Selo serta tanggapan masyarakat Selo terhadap pengembangan obyek wisata Selo. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pengembangan obyek wisata Selo memang telah memberikan dampak perubahan pada aspek sosial, ekonomi dan budaya bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya. Namun sejauh ini perubahan yang terjadi terhadap ketiga aspek tersebut cenderung tidak menimbulkan kerugian yang besar bagi masyarakat sekitar bahkan secara umum malah memberikan manfaat. (2) Tanggapan yang diberikan responden atas dampak pengembangan obyek wisata Selo terhadap kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat menunjukkan hal yang positif. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kecenderungan jawaban responden yang menyatakan tidak ada dampak negatif yang berarti yang diakibatkan oleh pengembangan obyek wisata Selo, utamanya menyangkut aspek sosial, ekonomi dan budaya.

This research is about the response of society to ecotourism development in Selo Regency of Boyolali. The problems studied are how about changing of social, economy and cultural aspects of Selo society caused developing on Selo tourism object and response of Selo society to Selo tourism object development. This research use a qualitative approach analysis, that is analysis contains description that used as materials to explain object research. A qualitative approach analysis is directed to describe about society condition around Selo tourism object in related with existence of Selo tourism object. This method used to know about perception and preferencies of society related with Selo tourism object development. It will be developed on analysis to know about changes of social, economy and cultural aspects of Selo society on some tourism objects that sited on Selo. Beside that, it will be developed analysis toward response of Selo society to Selo tourism object development. As the result can concluded that (1) Development of Selo tourism object give some effects to change on social, economy and cultural aspects for society of Selo. But, so far changes on that three aspects tend to do not make high loss for society of Selo even as a whole it gives some benefits. (2) Response of respondents on effects of Selo tourism object development toward social, economy and cultural aspects of Selo society show a positive response. This is showed by there is a tendency of respondent’s answers that state there are no significant negative effects that caused of Selo tourism object development, especially related with social, economy and cultural aspects.

Kata Kunci : Ekowisata,Pengembangan,Respon Masyarakat, change, response, ecotourism.

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