Laporkan Masalah


JULIANTO WIBOWO, Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A.,Ph.D.; Ir. Gunung Radjiman, M.Sc.

2018 | Tesis | S2 Perencanaan Kota dan Daerah

Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan Program Penanganan Lahan Kritis dengan konsep hutan lestari melalui kebun buah dan pengaruhnya terhadap pengurangan lahan kritis. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Nglanggeran Kecamatan Patuk Kabupaten Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengukur keberhasilan implementasi Program Penanganan Lahan Kritis dengan strategi Konsep Hutan Lestari; (2) Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan impementasi Program Penanganan Lahan Kritis dengan strategi Konsep Hutan Lestari; serta (3) Mengkaji prospek keberlanjutan Program Penanganan Lahan Kritis dengan strategi Konsep Hutan Lestari. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif eksploratif. Peneliti melakukan penelitian yang tidak mengadakan perhitungan dalam analisisnya. Bogdan dan Taylor dalam Moleong (1997) mengemukakan bahwa metodologi kualitatif sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang diamati. Data-data dan dokumen yang diperoleh sebagai bahan interprestasi selanjutnya ditelaah kemudian membuat suatu kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pembangunan Kebun Buah Nglanggeran mampu merehabilitasi lahan kritis seluas 20 ha. Kelompok tani dapat mengimplementasikan program penanganan lahan kritis secara efektif. Faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi Pembangunan Kebun Buah Nglanggeran antara lain: (1) Partisipasi dalam program hutan lestari; (2) Interaksi Aktor (Kolaborasi antar Stakeholder} (3) Pemahaman terhadap program Hutan Lestari; (4) Keadaan fisik lingkungan; dan (5) Kondisi sosial dan budaya. Prospek keberlanjutan program Program Pembangunan Kebun Buah memberikan hasil baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dapat menyerap tenaga kerja ( pro job ), meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat (pro growth), berpotensi mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan (pro poor) dan sangat bermanfaat bagi lingkungan ( pro environment ). Selain itu program Kebun Buah menjadi daya tarik dan dapat menggerakkan pengembangan kawasan yang terintegrasi dan sinergi sehingga tercipta suatu kawasan yang mempunyai nilai konservasi, edukasi, ekonomi dan sosial.

This research relating to the program of critical land to the concept of the sustainable forest through orchard and its effect on the reduction of critical land. The location of research in Nglanggeran Village Patuk Districts Gunungkidul Regency. This research attempts to (1) Measure their success the implementation of the program of critical land with strategy the concept of the sustainable forest ; (2) Identify the factors that affect the success of impementation of the program of critical land with strategy the concept of the sustainable forest; and (3) took account of the prospect of the sustainability of the program of critical land with strategy the concept of the sustainable forest. The methods used is descriptive qualitative explorative. Researchers conducted research did not require an accounting in the analysis. Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong ( 1997 ) said that methodology qualitative as procedure research that yields data descriptive of words written or spoken of people and behavior observed. Data and documents obtained as a interprestation next has been reviewed then make a conclusion.. The research results show that the development of Nglanggeran Orchad capable of rehabilitating land critical as much as 20 ha. The farmers group can implement the program of critical land effectively. Of factors affect the implementation of development Nglanggeran Orchad among others (1) Participation in the program the forest sustainable; (2) The interaction of actors (stakeholders collaboration }; (3) Understanding of the the sustainable forest program; (4) State of a physical environment; and (5) The condition of social and cultural. The prospect of sustainability development orchards programs results directly or indirectly can absorb the labor ( pro job ), to raise the income of the community (pro growth), Potential to decrease the level of poverty (pro poor ), and very useful for the environment ( pro environment ). In addition orchad program be an attraction and can move in regional development integrated and synergy between as to create an area in that it has value conservation, education, economic and social.

Kata Kunci : Lahan Kritis, Kebun Buah, Implementasi, Keberlanjutan

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