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MAMAN TARYANA, Prof. dr. Makmuri Muchlas, Ph.D., Sp.Kj ; Dr. Armaidy Armawi, M.Si

2010 | Tesis | S2 Ketahanan Nasional

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam tentang pengaruh tata kelola pemerintahan terhadap ketahanan ekonomi daerah, dengan lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Sragen Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menjadi penting karena berbagai pakar di tingkat nasional maupun internasional melakukan kajian ilmiah, penulisan buku dan diskusi hanya tentang otonomi daerah, desentralisasi serta pemerintahan daerah, namun jarang mengkaitkan bagaimana pengaruhnya antara tata kelola pemerintahan dengan ketahanan nasional pada umumnya dan dengan ketahanan ekonomi daerah pada khususnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus instrumental, sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan data tertulis (studi kepustakaan) dan data terungkapkan (pengamatan, angket dan wawancara) yang diuraikan secara holistik, komprehensif dan integral. Perubahan dalam tata kelola pemerintahan dari sistem sentralistik menjadi sistem desentralistik adalah memberi kewenangan daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat di daerah berdasarkan aspirasi masyarakat dan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Namun di dalam perjalanannya, mengalami perbedaan pemahaman yang cukup memprihatinkan, sehingga menimbulkan dampak terhadap ketahanan nasional pada umumnya dan ketahanan ekonomi pada khususnya, selain itu kewenangan dalam tata kelola pemerintahan daerah sering menimbulkan inkonsistensi, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi di daerah itu sendiri. Bupati Sragen saat ini memasuki periode kedua dalam memimpin pemerintahan daerah. Berbagai kebijakan dan program strategik telah direncanakan, pembangunan daerah telah dan sedang dilaksanakan. Keberhasilan dalam pembangunan daerah membuahkan hasil yang signifikan, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari berbagai prestasi dan penghargaan yang diberikan kepada kabupaten Sragen. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa keberhasilan pembangunan daerah yang telah dicapai oleh kabupaten Sragen baru dinikmati oleh aparatur pemerintahan, masyarakat perkotaan dan para pelaku usaha. Sedangkan sebagian masyarakat di daerah masih belum dapat menikmati, angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan masih cukup tinggi, pendapatan petani masih rendah, upah minimum daerah belum dapat mengimbangi kenaikan berbagai harga komoditas pokok. Oleh karena itu dalam tata kelola pemerintahan daerah harus dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan yang baik (good governance) dan juga perlu adanya tolok ukur keberhasilan pembangunan daerah yang berketahanan, khususnya ketahanan ekonomi daerah.

To Indonesian People, the year 1999 is one of the historical year and also a very important point in the dynamics of the government implementation, because in that year, regulation number 22 in the year of 1999 has been ratified which later was revised to regulation number 32 in the year of 2004 regarding the regional government and regulation number 25 regarding the central and regional financial balance. Both of the regulations have become the foundation of the changes in the implementation of the regional government, regional development and the empowerment of the people in a particular region. The changes in the government implementation from a centralized system to a decentralized system, which is the authority of the autonomic region to arrange and organize the interests of the people in that region according to its own initiatives based on the people’s aspirations and according to the law and regulation that bound the region. Along its journey, the government implementation has experienced a distortion of understanding which is quite concerning that it has created an effect towards the National Resilience in the regions. Other than that, the authority of the regional government implementation often causes inconsistencies which affect the success of the economic development of a particular region. The Regency of Sragen which is also known as “Bumi Sukowati” is one of the Regency in the Central Java Province and is also one of the 348 regency in Indonesia that has succeeded in carrying out the regional development. The success, on one hand is considered as a pride and achievement, but on the other hand it contains consequences to be proven. This research is aiming to know how far is the effect of the regional government implementation towards the economic resilience. The research was based on using the instrumental case study research, however the data analysis used a descriptive analysis which was described in a holistic-comprehensive and integral way. Nowadays, the Sragen Regent is entering his second period in leading the regional government. A veriety of policies and strategic programs have been planned, regional development has been held and are still currently being held. The success in regional development has produced very significant results, which can be seen through a variety of achievements and trophies that had been given to the Regency of Sragen. The success that had been achieved can only be enjoyed by the government officials, city population and entrepreneurs. On the other hand, some of the poeple in the rural area have not been able to enjoy the success, the jobless rate is still quite high, the farmer income is still low, the minimum wage has not been able to keep up with the rise of the main comodities prices and there is neither a supporting price for superior product nor the will of Regional Government Owned Business to buy the superior product if there is a major harvest. Therefore, inside the regional government implementation be based on principles of good governanceses and there is a need for a benchmark the success of the development which is the regional resilience, especially the regional economic resilience.

Kata Kunci : Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Daerah, Ketahanan Ekonomi daerah

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