Laporkan Masalah


AMBIKA SHASTRI HPS., Fu'ad Rakhman, M.Sc., Ph.D.

2016 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Peranan perbankan sangat berarti dalam menjaga kestabilan moneter dan perekonomian suatu negara. Praktik perbankan yang buruk mengakibatkan krisis ekonomi pada tahun 1997 dan tahun 2008, hal tersebut menjadi bukti atas lemahnya penerapan Corporate Governance di Indonesia. Salah satu indikator sebuah bank dapat bersaing dilihat dari ukuran tingkat kesehatan bank termasuk pelaksanaan Corporate Governance yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur dan menilai kualitas penerapan Corporate Governance berdasarkan model peratingan Center for Good Corporate Governance Universitas Gadjah Mada (CGCG UGM) pada PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti tahun 2016. Penelitian menggunakan model peratingan CGCG UGM yang terdiri dari 497 pertanyaan berdasarkan pada empat prinsip yaitu, transparency (transparansi), accountability (pertanggungjelasan), responsibilty (pertanggungjawaban) dan fairness (kewajaran). Untuk partisipan atau responden penelitian ini melibatkan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-Komite, Auditor dan Pemangku Kepentingan. Hasil penilaian penerapan Corporate Governance berdasarkan model peratingan CGCG UGM pada PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti yaitu skor "A" yang memiliki total nilai 3427 dari nilai maksimal 4160 atau 82,38%. Hasil skor "A" berada pada posisi 4 dari 16 ranking yang ada di CGCG UGM sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa penerapan Corporate Governance di PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti belum optimal. Kata kunci: corporate governance, CGCG UGM, transparency, accountability, responsibility, fairness

Banking industry has an important role in maintaining monetary and economic stability of a nation. A failure banking practices led to economic crisis in 1997 and 2008 which is proving that the implementation of Corporate Governance in Indonesia is still weak. One of the indicator a bank could remain competitive is the bank health level including the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. The purpose of this study was to measure and assess the quality of corporate governance based on the Center for Good Corporate Governance of Gadjah Mada University (CGCG UGM) rating model at PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti in 2016. This study was using CGCG UGM which is consist of 497 questions based on the corporate governance principles, those are transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness. The participants or respondents of this study involved the Comissioners, Board of Directors, Committees, Auditors and Stakeholders. The assessment of the corporate governance implementation based on the Center for Good Corporate Governance of Gadjah Mada University (CGCG UGM) rating model in PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti obtained the "A" grade which has 3427 as total score compared to 4160 as maximum score or about 82,38%, and ranked as the fourth out of 16 rankings. Therefore, it can be determined that the implementation of corporate governance in PT. BPR Sukawati Pancakanti has not reached the optimum point yet according to CGCG UGM. Keywords: corporate governance, CGCG UGM, transparency, accountability, responsibility, fairness

Kata Kunci : corporate governance, CGCG UGM, transparency, accountability, responsibility, fairness

  1. S2-2016-374095-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2016-374095-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2016-374095-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2016-374095-title.pdf