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ANDRIYANTO, Eko Nugroho;Hanung Adi Nugroho

2016 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Elektro

Sejak terjadinya tsunami di Aceh yang memakan korban ratusan ribu jiwa, Indonesia dibantu beberapa negara membangun sistem peringatan dini tsunami yang diberi nama INA-TEWS. Masyarakat dapat menerima informasi ini dari media-media elektronik seperti televisi, radio, sosial media. Penerimaan dan pemanfaatan masyarakat terhadap teknologi ini perlu dikaji agar tujuannya untuk menyelamatkan jiwa dapat tercapai. Saat ini, masih banyak masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah rawan bencana tsunami masih awam terhadap ancaman yang dihadapi. Pengetahuan masyarakat akan teknologi peringatan dini pun masih perlu terus diberikan melalui sosialisasi-sosialisasi agar pada saat terjadi bencana, masyarakat dapat secara sigap mengambil tindakan. Penelitian terhadap penerimaan masyarakat terhadap teknologi penerimaan dini tsunami menggbungkan model penerimaan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan Health Belief Model (HBM) dengan populasi di Kabupaten Pacitan yang berhadapan langsung dengan pantai selatan jawa sehingga mempunyai risiko besar terhadap ancaman bahaya tsunami. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa persepsi risiko seseorang sangat mempengaruhi penerimaan orang tersebut akan teknologi peringatan dini tsunami. Faktor kualitas informasi yang diberikan oleh teknologi peringatan dini juga diharapkan masyarakat agar teknologi dapat diterima dan dimanfaatkan. Hasil analisis juga menyatakan pentingnya sosialisasi (training) dalam meningkatkan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap sebuah teknologi, khususnya teknologi peringatan dini tsunami.

Since the tsunami hit Aceh in 2004 which killed thousands of people, Indonesia with the assistance of some countries establish a tsunami early warning system for disaster risk reduction. This early warning system technology known as INA TEWS (Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System). This technology is an integration of observation systems, data processing, and dissemination of information. Information about the threat of a tsunami can be deployed five minutes after the quake. People receive this warning information from a various media such as television, SMS, social media and disaster warning sirens were built in various places. Initial data shows that peoples acceptance and utilization on early warning technology is still below its expectation, so it necessary to clarify factors that encourage peoples acceptance and utilization of this technology. This study will evaluate the factors that affect public acceptance of a tsunami early warning technology. Based on Technology Acceptance Model theory to measure the level of usefulness and ease of use of these technologies. Combined with Health Belief Model Theory which states that a person's behavior is influenced by the person's knowledge of the risks iminent. Respondents of this research are peoples of Kabupaten Pacitan who have a high risk of become a victim if a tsunami hit on southern coast of Pacitan. Results of this research generaly stated that perception of risk greatly affect the acceptance in the technology. Thus, information quality provided by this technology also expected by the respondents so it can be accepted and utilized. The results of the analysis also states the importance of training to increase public acceptance of a technology, especially for early warning technology.

Kata Kunci : tsunami, peringatan dini, penerimaan teknologi