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OCVIRA KRISWIDJAYA S, Dr. Ir. Endy Suwondo, DEA ; Ibnu Wahid Fakhrudin Aziz, STP., MT.


Kegiatan pasokan ayam potong yang dilakukan Royan Chicken Processing tidak terlepas dari risiko yang tidak mungkin dapat dihindari. Kelancaran pasokan dari suatu kegiatan usaha penting ditunjang demi kelancaran kesuluruhan rantai pasok, salah satunya dengan meminimalkan dampak risiko dari rantai pasok. Risiko yang dialami Royan Chicken Processing dapat memberikan kinerja yang buruk bagi rantai pasok ayam yang berdampak pada perusahaan selanjutnya yang berhubungan dengan Royan Chicken Processing. Risiko yang dialami masing-masing memiliki kejadian dan dampak yang berbeda-beda sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan cara indepth interview dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) terhadap risk owner sebagai narasumber. Tahapan penelitian dilakukan dengan tahapan inti manajemen risiko klasik untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah, yaitu risk identification, risk assessment (risk analyse dan risk evaluation), dan risk mitigation. Identifikasi risiko basis dimensi Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) yaitu Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return. Analisa risiko menggunakan pendekatan metode Risk Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (RFMEA) untuk melakukan analisa probabilitas kemungkinan munculnya risiko dan besarnya dampak yang ditimbulkan. Evaluasi risiko menggunakan House of Risk (HOR) untuk menyusun peringkat setiap penyebab risiko berdasarkan potensial risiko agregat dan menyusun prioritas dari proactive strategy berdasarkan keefektifan dan tingkat kesulitan penerapan. Hasil penelitian teridentifikasi sebanyak 21 Risk Event (kejadian risiko) akibat dari 15 Risk Agent (sumber risiko). Diagram Pareto menunjukan prioritas Risk Agent yang memberikan kontribusi sebesar 26.48 % terhadap total Aggregate Risk Potensial (ARP) hasil dari House of Risk I, yaitu perilaku disiplin pekerja (kurang) dengan presentase sebesar 14.29 % dan sumber daya manusia (terbatas) dengan presentase sebesar 12.19 %. Berdasarkan 2 sumber risiko terpilih tersebut, strategi proaktif untuk memitigasi risiko yang diprioritaskan dengan House of Risk I berdasarkan rasio Effectiveness to Difficulty (ETD) adalah disiplin tenaga kerja sebesar 4166, penambahan tenaga kerja sebesar 2880, evaluasi rutin tenaga kerja sebesar 1779, perubahan jam kerja sebesar 819, perubahan system absen sebesar 614, dan penerapan Reward and Punishment sebesar 273.

There are some risks faced on broilers supply received by Royan Chicken Processing. These risks, in turn, will reduce the performance of the supply chain involved to Royan Chicken Processing. So, to reduce the impact of risks that might occur it is needed a more secure supply scenario to assure performance of whole supply chain. This study was carried out to analyse various events and their risk impact for each part of the supply chain. The house of risk as a method adapted from house of quality is used for this purpose. Data were collected through in-depth interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) against the risk owner as resources. Stages of research conducted using classic risk management for small and medium enterprises, namely risk identification, risk assessment (risk analysis and risk evaluation) and risk mitigation. Risk identification refers to the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR), namely Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, and Return. However, risk analysis is done through Risk Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (RFMEA) approach, to obtain the probability of risk and the magnitude of the impact. Finally, risk evaluation was performed using House of Risk to rank each potential cause of risk based on aggregate risk, and to set prioritiy of proactive strategies based on the effectiveness and the degree of implementation difficulty. Results showed that 21 Risk Events are completely identified as a result of 15 Risk Agents. Through Pareto chart, we determine the priority of Risk Agents that contribute dominantly from the total Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) obtained from House of Risk I. These risk agents includes workers disciplined behavior (lack of discipline) at 14,29% and human resources support (limited ones) at 12,19%, give a total of 26,48%. Based on these two sources of such risks, the sequence (corresponding to Effectiveness to Difficulty ratio) of proactive strategies to reduce the risk comprise: the workforce discipline by 4166, the addition of labor by 2880, evaluation of workforce regularly by 1779, changes in working hours by 819, changes the employee attendance recording system by 614, and implementation of Reward and Punishment by 273.

Kata Kunci : supply chain, risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation, RFMEA, House of Risk, SCOR

  1. S1-2015-318861-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2015-318861-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2015-318861-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2015-318861-title.pdf