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ELISA KUSRINI, Ir. Subagyo,PhD; Nur Aini Masruroh,ST,MSc,PhD

2015 | Disertasi | S3 ILMU TEKNIK MESIN

Pengukuran kinerja supply chain menjadi fokus perhatian tidak hanya oleh pelaku supply chain tetapi juga oleh regulator/pemerintah. Bagi pelaku supply chain, pengukuran kinerja dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan kinerjanya. Bagi regulator, pengukuran kinerja dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas dalam memfasilitasi perbaikan kinerja supply chain. Selama ini pengukuran kinerja dilakukan secara terpisah, sehingga tidak efisien dan masing-masing saling tidak bisa mengetahui tingkat efektivitas kinerjanya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan model pengukuran kinerja gabungan antara pelaku supply chain dan regulator yang lebih efisien dan efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun model pengukuran kinerja terintegrasi antara pelaku supply chain dan regulator, menentukan indikator kunci dalam model, merancang prosedur pengukuran kinerja dan merancang strategi dan tindakan untuk pelaku dan regulator. Penelitian dilakukan dalam enam tahap yaitu tahap identifikasi kebutuhan (needs identification), tahap identifikasi �good criteria� dalam model pengukuran kinerja, tahap pengembangan model, tahap validasi model, tahap uji coba (implementasi) model, tahap evaluasi dan tindak lanjut. Untuk mengilustrasikan contoh pengembangan model, maka diambil sampel penelitian supply chain IKM produk berkarakteristik inovatif di industri kerajinan kulit Yogyakarta. Pembangunan model menggunakan model dasar Balanced Scorecard (BSC) karena paling banyak digunakan untuk berbagai industri serta memiliki pendekatan yang komprehensif dengan melibatkan semua aspek secara seimbang. Model BSC juga secara luas digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja regulator/pemerintah. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model integrasi BSC-SCOR-Kontribusi regulator (model B-S-Rc) dengan model DEA (disebut model B-S-Rc-DEA) dengan 31 indikator kunci sebagai model yang valid untuk mengukur kinerja pelaku supply chain dan peran regulator berdasarkan uji validasi dengan SEM dan dan metode triangulasi. Model yang dikembangkan cocok untuk diterapkan pada karakteristik industri dimana peran regulator cukup signifikan. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan prosedur pengukuran kinerja. Uji coba (Implementasi) model di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa model ini dapat menghasilkan usulan strategi dan tindakan yang menghasilkan peningkatan efisiensi sebesar 37,8%. Dari hasil perbandingan model, didapatkan bahwa model B-S-Rc-DEA lebih efisien dan efektif dibandingkan model lain. Keterbatasan penelitian ini adalah pengukuran kinerja pada pelaku supply chain diukur secara individu, sehingga ada kemungkinan tidak tercapai global optimum. Peluang penelitian selanjutnya adalah melakukan pengukuran secara keseluruhan (gabungan pelaku supply chain) dan merumuskan kebijakan regulator yang berlaku umum untuk keseluruhan anggota supply chain.

The measurement of supply chain performance becomes the main concern of not only the supply chain actors but also the regulator/government. For supply chain actors, performance measurement can be used as a basis to improve its performance. For regulators, performance measurement can be used to identify the effectiveness of its program in facilitating the improvement of supply chain performance. All this time, performance measurements by supply chain actors and regulator/government are conducted separately. It causes inefficiency, as well as obstructs both parties in understanding the effectiveness of each respective performance. Therefore, an efficient and effective integrated model of performance measurement is required, because this far the model of performance measurement by supply chain actors and regulator is still separately developed. Thus, this research is addressed to develop a model of integrated performance measurement by actors and regulator, to determine key indicators, to design performance measurement procedures, and to design possible strategies and actions for actors and regulator. This research is conducted in six stages, i.e. needs identification, identification of good criteria on performance measurement; development of performance measurement model, model validation, model implementation, and model evaluation. To illustrate the model development, some samples from small medium enterprises of leather craft supply chain industry in Yogyakarta are used in this research. The basic model used in this study is a Balance Scorecard (BSC) model because it is most widely used for various industries and has the most comprehensive approach by involving all aspects in balance. It applied also widely to assess regulator/government�s performance. This research resulted in an integrated model of BSC-SCOR-Regulator contribution (B-S-Rc) and DEA model, later named as B-S-Rc-DEA model with 31 key indicators. Based on validation test using SEM and triangulation method, the model could be stated as a valid model to measure the performance of supply chain actors and regulator. The model developed is suitable for industries that significantly affected by the regulator's role. This study also resulted an integrated performance measurement procedures between actors and regulators. Proposed strategies and actions for supply chain actors and regulator yield efficiency improvement of 37.8%. Further, the result of model comparison concludes that the proposed model is more efficient and effective than other models. Limitations of this study is the measurement of the performance of the supply chain actors are measured individually, so it may not be able to reach the global optimum. Further research opportunities is to measure the overall (combined supply chain actors) and formulate regulatory policies that can be applied to the entire supply chain members.

Kata Kunci : Pengukuran kinerja, Pelaku supply chain, Regulator/ Pemerintah, Balanced Scorecard, Supply Chain Operation Reference , Data Envelopment Analysis.

  1. S3-2015-306512-bibliography.pdf  
  2. S3-2015-306512-tableofcontent.pdf  
  3. S3-2015-306512-title.pdf