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Deteksi On-Line Kondisi Pahat PC-Based CNC Milling Menggunakan Tri-Axial MEMS Accelerometer dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

ANIS ARENDRA, Dr. Eng. Herianto, S.T., M.Eng.

2014 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Mesin

Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengembangkan alternatif sistem on-line monitoring kerusakan pahat end mill, (2) mencari dan memilih fitur sinyal getaran untuk deteksi kondisi pahat, (3) membangun dan mengukur kinerja Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk klasifikasi kondisi pahat. Umumnya mesin CNC milling beroperasi tanpa pengawasan operator. Masalah yang kerap ditemui pada proses milling adalah tool chipping akibat gaya impak yang berulang. Pemantauan ini berlangsung saat proses pemesinan, sehingga tidak mengganggu produktivitas mesin dan dapat mencegah kerugian lebih lanjut akibat kerusakan pahat. Sensor yang digunakan adalah MEMS accelerometer dan proximity sensor. Rekaman sinyal getaran yang berasal dari pahat nomal dan pahat rusak digunakan untuk data pelatihan dan pengujian JST. Ekstraksi fitur didapat dari ukuran statistik sebaran data dan analisis order. Seleksi fitur sinyal dilakukan dengan cara memberi peringkat pada fitur sinyal berdasarkan kekuatan korelasinya dengan treatment kondisi pahat, dilanjutkan dengan analisis diskriminan terhadap sub-set fitur dengan forward selection berdasarkan peringkat fitur. Fitur sinyal yang terpilih pada tahap ini adalah deviasi standar dan range sebaran data percepatan X, Y, Z di domain waktu, percepatan pada order ke-2 dalam arah X dan Y, percepatan pada order ke-13 dalam arah Y dan Z. Fitur sinyal tersebut digunakan untuk input multi layer perceptron. Untuk input single layer perceptron, fitur-fitur tersebut direduksi terlebih dahulu dengan PCA dan LDA. Validasi dilakukan dengan 180 sample data untuk setiap treatment kondisi pahat. Single layer perceptron dengan adaptasi sequential incremental training 1 epoch menggunakan 5 input transformed feature mencapai akurasi validasi 99,2% dan menyisakan 1,7% missed rate. Multi layer perceptron dengan 2 hidden neuron dilatih menggunakan algoritma RP dengan early stopping pada epoch ke-25 mampu mencapai akurasi validasi 100% untuk klasifikasi pahat rusak dan pahat normal. Multi layer perceptron yang sama dengan tambahan proses smoothing mampu mengklasifikasikan kondisi pahat rusak, pahat rusak ringan, dan pahat normal. Akurasi yang dicapai sebesar 89,98% untuk klasifikasi 3 kelas, misclassification hanya terjadi pada kelas pahat rusak ringan.

This research aims to (1) developing a PC-based on-line monitoring system to monitor end mill tool chipping by using a triaxial MEMS accelerometer and a proximity sensor; (2) investigating and selecting the vibration signal features of the PC-based CNC milling machine during the operation in order to distinguish between chipped and normal tool; and (3) training the Artificial Neural Networks system in order to recognize the condition of the end mill tool based on the combination of the selected vibration signal features, and measuring the performance of the developed Tool Condition Monitoring system. Problems that are often encountered in the milling process is tool chipping due to repeated impact force. This monitoring system does not interfere with the productivity of the machine and can prevent further losses due to breakage end milling tool. The sensor used is a MEMS accelerometer and proximity sensors. Recording vibration signals that comes from normal end milling tool and end milling tool were damaged used for training data and testing data of ANN. Extraction of features derived from the statistical distribution of the data and order analysis of vibration. Signal feature selection is done by rank the signal features based on correlation with treatment, followed by a discriminant analysis of the sub-set of features with forward selection based on the ranked feature. Selected features signal at this stage is the standard deviation and range of X, Y, Z in the time domain, second order of acceleration in the direction of X and Y, the 13th order of acceleration in the direction of the Y and Z. Features input is used for multi-layer perceptron. To input a single-layer perceptron, these features is reduced prior to the PCA and LDA. Validation is done with 180 samples of data for each treatment. Single layer perceptron with sequential incremental adaptation training using 5 transformed features input reach accuracy of 99.2% and leaving 1.7% missed rate. Multi layer perceptron with two hidden neurons are trained using RP algorithm with early stopping on the 25th epoch able to reached 100% accuracy validation for two-class classification. The same multi layer perceptron with the addition of a smoothing averaging is able to classify the condition of breakage, minor damage, and normal end mill. Accuracy is reached by 89.98% for 3 class classification, misclassification occurs only in minor damaged tool class.

Kata Kunci : On-line TCM, MEMS Accelerometer, Analisis order, Seleksi fitur, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan.

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