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Membangun Green Purchase Intentions Melalui Green Brand Images, Green Perceived Value, Green Perceived Risk, dan Green Trust

YOKY BAGUS SEMBODO, Bayu Aji Aritejo, S.E., M.M., M.Si.

2014 | Skripsi | MANAJEMEN

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari hal-hal yang berpotensi untuk membangun niat beli konsumen pada produk ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini produk yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian adalah Honda Beat FI karena produk tersebut dipromosikan sebagai produk yang ramah lingkungan.Sedangkan subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang sudah mengenal dan memiliki pendapat ataupun yang sudah memiliki sepeda motor Honda Beat FI secara langsung. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah kuesioner menggunakan instrumen five point likert scale. Peneliti menyebarkan sebanyak 150 kuesioner dan hanya 121 kuesioner yang dapat digunakan. Pengujian instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Sementara metode analisa data yang digunakan adalah dengan regresi tunggal dan berganda. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa niat membeli sepeda motor yang ramah lingkungan dipengaruhi secara positif oleh green perceived value dan green trust, dan secara negatif oleh green perceived risk. Ditemukan pula bahwa green brand images berpengaruh positif terhadap green perceived value dan secara negatif terhadap green perceived risk. Dalam penelitian ini tidak ditemukan pengaruh green brand images terhadap green trust dan green perceived risk terhadap green trust.

This research was conducted to see the effect that have potential to build consumer purchase intentions in environmentally friendly products. In this research Honda Beat FI used as subject for research because Honda Beat FI is promoted as an environmentally friendly product. While the subjects in this research were those who know and have opinion or those who have Honda Beat FI as their motorcycle. This research used five point likert scale as its instrument. Researcher distributed 150 questionnaires but only 121 questionnaires were usable for this research. The testing instrument that were used in this research is validity and reliability test. While the data analysis method that were used in this research is single regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results obtained in this research indicate that the intention to buy environmentally friendly motorcycles positively influenced by green perceived value and green trust, and negatively by green perceived risk. It was also found that the green brand images has positive effect on green perceived value and negatively to green perceived risk. The results obtained in this research indicate that the intention to buy environmentally friendly motorcycles positively influenced by green perceived value and green trust, and negatively by green perceived risk. It was also found that the green brand images has positive effect on green perceived value and negatively to green perceived risk.In this research researcher didn’t found any effect of green brand images to green trust and green perceived risk to green trust

Kata Kunci : marketing, green marketing, green trust, green brand images, green purchase intention.

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