Laporkan Masalah


Mohamad Rio Setiawan., S.Farm, Prof. Dr. Achmad Fudholi, DEA., Apt.

2014 | Tesis | S2 Mag.Manaj.Farmasi

Instalasi Farmasi RSUP Sanglah dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan yang semakin bermutu kepada customer sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi kinerja dan pemetaan strategi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja IFRSUP Sanglah Denpasar dengan pendekatan Balance Scorecard dan menentukan peta strategi berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kinerja tersebut. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus non eksperimental dengan rancangan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode retrospektif dan prospektif. Data berupa data kuantitatif (observasi, kuesioner, dan laporan keuangan IFRS dan RS) dan kualitatif (hasil wawancara dengan apoteker/kepala IFRS). Subjek penelitian adalah staf IFRSUP Sanglah Denpasar dan pasien rawat jalan IFRSUP Sanglah Denpasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih kurangnya jumlah apoteker dan asisten apoteker, kurangnya kepuasan karyawan, masih kurangnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan SDM, belum sempurnanya SIM Farmasi, serta perlu ditingkatkannya semangat kerja karyawan. Rata-rata dispensing time obat non-racikan 12,19 menit/lembar resep dan racikan 27,49 menit/lembar resep, tingkat ketersediaan obat 89,34%, kelengkapan pelabelan obat yang benar sebesar 10,13%, seluruh pasien diberikan informasi obat dengan rata-rata waktu 85 detik/pasien, terdapat 5 insiden dispensing errors periode Juni-September 2013. Kepuasan pasien cukup tinggi, tingkat keterjaringan pasien pada bulan September 2013 sebesar 19,01%, customer growth mengalami fluktuasi tiap bulannya. Rata-rata penjualan mengalami peningkatan, penerimaan IFRSUP Sanglah periode 2011-2012 meningkat 158,76%, presentase penerimaan IFRS terhadap penerimaan RS tahun 2012 sebesar 28,22%, ITOR tahun 2012 sebesar 16,10 kali.

To survive in a competitive environment, pharmacy department of sanglah hospital as one of revenue centre for the hospital expected to provide a good quality services for customers through continues performance improvement, so it is need a strategical map to achieve the goal. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of pharmacy department of sanglah hospital using Balanced Scorecard approach and to determined the best strategy map based on the result of the performance evaluation. This is a descriptive non-experimental case study. The data collected using retrospective and prospective methods. The quantitative data collected from direct observation, surveys/questionnaires and financial report of both hospital and pharmacy department. The qualitative data based on interview with pharmacist/head of pharmacy department. Subjects were Sanglah hospital pharmacy department staff and outpatients who purchase drugs at pharmacy department of sanglah hospital. The results of the study shows : lack of pharmacist and pharmacy technician, less of staff satisfaction, less of staff knowledge and skills, bad performance of pharmacy information management system, lack of staff working spirit. The average dispensing time of non-compound drugs is 12,19 minutes and the average dispensing time of compound drugs is 27,49 minutes; percentage of drugs availability is 89,34%; complete drugs labeling is 10,13%; the average time of drugs information explanation is 85 seconds; there are five incidents of medication errors happened on June 2013 – September 2013. Custumers satisfaction is good; percentage of outpatients that purchasing drugs from pharmacy department is 19,01%, Fluctuation of customers growth at may 2012-April 2013. The average of drugs and medical equipment sales increased except at February, august and desember, the pharmacy revenue increased 158,76% at 2012, pharmacy department give 28,22% contribution from total of hospital revenue, 2012 Inventory Turn Over Ratio (ITOR) is 16,10 times.

Kata Kunci : Evaluasi kinerja, Peta strategi, Balance Scorecard, Instalasi Farmasi RSUP Sanglah denpasar

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