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Bobby Gulliano, Dr. Fahmy Radhi, MBA.

2014 | Tesis | S2 Magister Manajemen

Teknologi informasi (TI) pada saat ini telah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari banyak organisasi. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan sinergi yang baik dibutuhkan antara berbagai departemen dengan Departemen TI, agar sumber daya teknologi/sistem informasi yang ada dapat secara nyata diwujudkan menjadi pendukung kinerja perusahaan. Para pemimpin departemen di PT. Darya-Varia Laboratoria TBK (DVL) berpendapat bahwa kinerja Departemen Information & Communication Services (ICS) belum mampu memberikan kontribusi kepada organisasi sesuai dengan harapan. Di sisi lain, Departemen ICS berpendapat bahwa sudah banyak perangkat lunak yang dibuat, dan mengeluhkan bahwa kinerja yang selama ini dibangun, tidak mendapat perhatian dari departemen lainnya. Oleh karenanya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1. Mengevaluasi pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS saat ini, ditinjau dari konsep IT Balanced Scorecard. 2. Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat implementasi pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS saat ini. 3. Merancang pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS ke depan berdasarkan konsep IT Balanced Scorecard. Studi pustaka yang dilakukan meliputi konsep manajemen strategi, pengukuran kinerja, balanced scorecard yang diperkenalkan oleh Robert S. Kaplan dan David P. Norton, peta strategi dan IT Balanced Scorecard oleh Wim Van Grembergen, Ph.D. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mewawancarai manajemen puncak DVL dan melakukan wawancara grup terfokus yang diikuti oleh seluruh section head di Departemen ICS. Data juga dikumpulkan dari dokumen-dokumen internal perusahaan DVL maupun dokumen internal ICS, terutama dokumen penilaian dan pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS. Analisa dilakukan pada data yang terkumpul, untuk kemudian dilakukan evaluasi pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS saat ini ditinjau dari konsep IT Balanced Scorecard. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat implementasi pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS saat ini diidentifikasi. Kemudian pengukuran kinerja Departemen ICS ke depan berdasarkan konsep IT Balanced Scorecard dirancang berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan wawancara grup terfokus. Hasil analisa kemudian ditarik kesimpulan dan saran untuk perusahaan dan penelitian lanjutan.

Information technology (IT) at this point has become an integral part of many organizations. Therefore a good synergy needed between business units with IT departments, so that existing technology/information systems resources can transformed into supporting company's performance realization. Business unit leaders in PT. Darya-Varia Laboratories TBK (DVL) argues that the performance of the Information & Communication Services (ICS) department has not been able to contribute to the organization in line with expectations. On the other hand, ICS department argues that a lot of software has been made, and complained that the performance built so far not was not recognized by the business units. Therefore this thesis study aims to: 1. Evaluating the current performance measurement of ICS department from the point of view of IT Balanced Scorecard concept. 2. Identifying factors that support and hinder the implementation of current performance measurement of ICS department. 3. Designing future performance measurement of ICS department from the point of view of IT Balanced Scorecard concept. A literature study was conducted on the concept of strategic management, performance measurement, balanced scorecard concept introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, strategy map and IT Balanced Scorecard by Wim Van Grembergen, Ph.D. The study was conducted by interviewing top management of DVL and conduct focused group discussion, attended by entire section head in the ICS department. Data were also collected from the company's internal documents and ICS internal documents, especially documents on the ICS department assessment and performance measurement. Analysis performed on the data collected, then current ICS department performance measurement evaluated from the point of view of IT balanced scorecard concept. Factors that support and hinder the implementation of the current ICS department performance measurement identified. Then, future ICS department performance measurement crafted by the concept of IT Balanced Scorecard, based on the interviews and focus group interviews result. Conclusions drawn and suggestions for further research suggested.

Kata Kunci : balanced scorecard, IT Balanced Scorecard, KPI, strategi TI, sinergi strategi, nilai bisnis dari TI

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