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MUHAMMAD NURAZAM BIN AZMAN, Dr. dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, Sp.S (K).

2014 | Skripsi | PENDIDIKAN DOKTER


Background: Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease that occurs due to the obstruction of oxygen supply to the brain, causing brain tissue to die. This in turn resulted in various disabilities to the patients such as paralysis and cognitive impairment and can even lead to death. This high number of mortality and morbidity is partly due to the delayed time to hospital admission after the onset of stroke in this study, we hope to see the progress of time to admission of strokes patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital from the year 2009-2013 in order to know if the time to admission has improved for stroke patients over the years as this will greatly affect the prognosis for the stroke patients. The data from this study can be used by the hospitals and healthcare office to know about the current rate of time of admission and for the improvement of healthcare for stroke patients in the future. Aim: To analyze the time to admission of stroke in Dr. Sardjito Hospital from 2011-2013. Methods: This is a non-experimental research; it is an observational descriptive study using the retrospective method. All the data from this study will be obtained from secondary data; the medical record of the stroke patients who have been admitted to stroke unit of RSUP Dr.Sardjito from 2011-2013. Results: The percentage of time to admission for stroke patient in 2011 is 22.66%, for 2012 is 30.98% while in 2013 is 17.395. While the mean for time to admission for 2011 is 23.93 hours, for 2012 is 23.07 hours and for 2013 is 25.79hours Conclusion: The trend of percentage of time to admission of stroke patient in less then 3 hours from 2011 to 2013 is fluctuating. This might be due to the lack of knowledge of the patient and their family and also the lack in sense of urgency to send the patient for immediate medical treatment. The percentage of time to admission in RSUP Dr. Sardjito is almost similar to other places such as Japan and France but the mean of time to admission is still falling behind other countries such as United State.

Kata Kunci : Time of admission for stroke patient, Golden Hour of stroke treatment, Sardjito Hospital.

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