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MURWININGSIH, Dr. Satibi, M.Si., Apt.

2013 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Farmasi

Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis (GGK) yang menjalani hemodialisis pada umumnya mengalami anemia. Anemia pada pasien GGK terjadi terutama karena kekurangan erytropoietin. Anemia pada GGK dapat diterapi dengan with Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) atau transfusi Packed Red Cell (PRC). Transfusi PRC dapat menularkan penyakit, seperti hepatitis B, hepatitis C ,HIV dan komplikasi hemosiderosis. Walaupun sudah dibuktikan bahwa pemberian r-HuEPO pada GGK bermakna memperbaiki kualitas hidup penderita, mengingat harganya yang mahal sehingga tidak semua pasien mampu mendapatkannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas terapi dan gambaran biaya terapi r- HuEPO dan transfusi PRC pada terapi anemia pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisis . Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 62 pasien anemia GGK yang aktif menjalani hemodialisis dan mendapatkan r-HuEPO atau transfusi PRC tanpa kombinasi di 3 Rumah sakit di Kabupaten Cilacap dan Banyumas. Sampel Hb diambil pada saat awal bulan ke-1 dan akhir bulan ke-6 dan biaya medis langsung selama 6 bulan, kemudian dianalisis gambaran karakteristik pasien dan penggunaan anti anemia dengan Chi Square. Parameter efektivitas berupa kadar Hb post pada saat 1 bulan kemudian /bulan ke-6, pemantauan efektifitas dilakukan dengan melihat persentase jumlah pasien yang Hb post mencapai target terapi sesuai standar keperawatan kemudian dianalisis dengan Crosstabs.Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan antara kadar Hb pre terhadap peningkatan kadar Hb post pada kedua kelompok dianalisis dengan ANAKOVA (á = 0,05). Analisis biaya dihitung terhadap biaya total rata-rata terapi, biaya rata-rata obat dan non obat pada kedua kelompok. Hasil penelitian efektifitas terapi r-HuEPO lebih tinggi dibanding transfusi PRC pada pencapaian target Hb terapi anemia pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisis, pada kondisi jumlah sampel 31 pasien per kelompok dengan power penelitian 36,15%. Pencapain target Hb post terapi r-HuEPO 70,97% dan transfusi PRC 54,84%. Rata-rata Hb post terapi pada kelompok r- HuEPO 7,10±1,24 g/dL dan 6,0±1,38 g/dL pada kelompok transfusi PRC. Hasil uji ANAKOVA diperoleh p =0,016 < á = 0,05, setelah kovariabel Hb pre terapi dikendalikan terdapat perbedaan nilai Hb post yang bermakna antara terapi yang mendapatkan r-HuEPO dan yang mendapatkan transfusi PRC. Biaya total Ratarata terapi anemia pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisis selama 6 bulan untuk kelompok r-HuEPO Rp.42.338.504±10.560.303 dan Rp. 32.532.704±7.014.940 untuk kelompok transfusi PRC. Komponen biaya terbesar pada ke-2 kelompok adalah biaya non obat. Meskipun biaya rata-rata pengobatan total anemia dengan r-HuEPO lebih tinggi dibanding transfusi PRC, namun perlu dipertimbangkan sesuai kondisi pasien berdasarkan gejala dan manfaat terapi r- HuEPO pada jangka panjang terutama efek terhadap sistem kardiovaskuler serta mencegah terjadinya transmisi penyakit.

Patients of Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) undergoing hemodialysis generally have anemia. Anemia in CRF patients occurred primarily because of lack erytropoietin. Anemia in CRF can be treated with Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (r- HuEPO) or Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion. PRC transfusion can transmit diseases, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV and complications of hemosiderosis. Although it has been demonstrated that administration of r-HuEPO in CRF significantly improve patient quality of life, considering the price is expensive and not all patients are able to get it. The purpose of this study to determine differences in effectiveness therapy r-HuEPO therapy and transfusion PRC in the treatment of anemia CRF patients undergoing hemodialysis and reveal the cost of treatment. This research was conducted on 62 patients with anemia who are active CRF undergoing hemodialysis and get r-HuEPO or without the combination of PRC transfusion in 3 hospitals in Cilacap and Banyumas. Hb samples were taken at the beginning of month 1 and the end of the 6th month and the direct medical costs for 6 months, then analyzed overview of patient characteristics and the use of antianemia with Chi Square. Efficacy parameters such as hemoglobin levels during 1 month post later / month 6, effectiveness monitoring is done by looking at the percentage of patients achieving a therapeutic target Hb post in accordance with the standards of nursing then analyzed Crosstabs. Determine the effect of the difference between the pre Hb levels Hb post on both group analyzed with Anacova (á = 0.05). Analysis of costs calculated on the average total cost of treatment, the average cost of drug and non-drug in both groups. The results r-HuEPO therapy effectiveness where higher than the PRC transfusion Hb target therapy of anemia of chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis, the condition of the sample size of 31 patients per group with 36.15% power research. Achievement of the target Hb r-HuEPO therapy post 70.97% and 54.84% PRC transfusion. The average post-treatment Hb in the r- HuEPO group 7.10 ± 1.24 g/dL and 6.0 ± 1.38 g/dL in the PRC transfusion group. Result Anacova test obtained p = 0.016 <á = 0.05, after pre-treatment covariates controlled hemoglobin value Hb post differences were significant between the treatment and get r-HuEPO who get PRC transfusions. The average total cost of anemia treatment in CRF patients undergoing hemodialysis for 6 months for r- HuEPO group Rp.42.338.504 ± 10,560,303 and Rp. 32,532,704 ± 7.01494 million for PRC transfusion group. The largest cost component in the 2nd group is non drug costs. Although the average cost of total treatment of anemia with r-HuEPO higher than PRC transfusion, but need to be considered in the patient's condition based on symptoms and the benefits of r-HuEPO therapy in the long run, especially the effects on the cardiovascular system and prevent the transmission of disease.

Kata Kunci : r-HuEPO, Transfusi PRC, Anemia, Hemodialisis

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