Laporkan Masalah


SAPTA NUGRAHA, Dr. rer. nat. Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si., M.Sc

2013 | Tesis | S2 Geo-Informasi untuk Manajemen Bencana


Cangkringan is one of sub-districts in the southern slope of Merapi volcano. Merapi eruption in 2010 causing major damage impact on that region. Post-disaster damage assessment that has been done by the government have not been supported with a good spatial data so that validation is relatively weak. Method of post-disaster damage assessment, particularly assessment of building damage using geotagged photos, remote sensing and GIS is expected to improve the method of damage assessment by the government of Indonesia. Geotagged photograph presenting visual information in the field conditions and coordinate saved in the photo attribute. Geojot Applications for Android Smartphone/Tablet allows the assessment of building damage to be included in the photo attribute. Attributes of geotagged photograph can be designed according to the needs of post-disaster damage assessment. High-resolution satellite imagery (Geo Eye, Worldview, and Quickbird of Cangkringan sub-district) before and after the disaster are used to know changes in land cover. Changes in land cover before and after disaster is an early indication of the area affected by the disaster. Interpretation of satellite imagery of building damage is done by using three indications: building visibility, building collapse, and building roof. The resulting data is used as the basis in the field to shoot buildings with Geotagged photograph using Geojot. Geotagged photograph can complement the needs of building damage assessment from satellite images because it can describe the structural and non-structural damage to buildings clearly. The use of 3D Anaglyph geotagged photograph is better than using 2D geotagged photograph in terms of the clarity of building damage that occurred, particularly for structural damage. The combination of geotagged photograph to the results of image interpretation can be done in three ways geotagged photograph shoot: the object coordinates (GPS Lock-On), geotagged photograph with the camera coordinates (GPS Lock-Off) and geotagged photograph with QR Code. Geotagged photograph with GPS Lock-off and GPS Lock-On requires a good GPS accuracy. Geotagged photograph with GPS Lock-Off mode requiring information on the direction and distance of the object being photographed. Geotagged photograph with the QR code is the most profitable because the identity of the building is already known and can be matched with an existing database. Post-disaster damage assessment method with geotagged photograph, remote sensing and GIS in general is not faster than the method of assessment of the damage that has been done by the government of Sleman regency in Merapi eruption 2010, but the results are more accurate and reliable. Special assessment of building damage with geotagged photograph on the field is faster than the verification process of building damage done by the government. Conversion of the system used by the government towards the post-disaster damage assessment system with geotagged photograph, remote sensing and GIS requires a relatively large funds and require increased resources owned by the government.

Kata Kunci : geotagged photograph, damage assessment, remote sensing, GIS

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