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MICRO-SIMULATION OF THE ROUNDABOUT AT IDROTTSPARKEN USING AIMSUN A Case Study of Idrottsparken Roundabout in Norrköping, Sweden

SEPTARINA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc.

2012 | Tesis | S2 Mag. S. & T.Transportasi


Microscopic traffic simulation is a useful tool in analysing traffic and estimating the capacity and level of service of road networks. In this thesis, the four legged Idrottsparken roundabout in the city of Norrkoping in Sweden is analysed by using the microscopic traffic simulation package AIMSUN. For this purpose, data regarding traffic flow counts, travel times and queue lengths were collected for three consecutive weekdays during both the morning and afternoon peak periods. The data were then used in model building for simulation of traffic of the roundabout. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) method is used to get the optimal parameter value between queue length and travel time data and validation of travel time data are carried out to obtain the basic model which represents the existing condition of the system. Afterward, the results of the new models were evaluated and compared to the results of a SUMO model for the same scenario model. Three alternative scenarios were simulated and analyzed to improve efficiency of traffic network in the roundabout: (1) add one free right turn in the north and east sections; (2) add one free right turn in the east and south sections; and (3) addition of one lane in roundabout. In the morning peak hour, scenario 1 shows the highest percentage of decrease in queue length is 35.93% and for travel time, scenario 2 shows the highest percentage of decrease is 35.34%. In the afternoon peak hour, the highest percentage of decrease in queue length and travel time occurs by implementing scenario 1. Scenario 3 is not able to improve the performance of the roundabout. In this research, scenario 1 is considered as the best scenario compared to scenario 2 and scenario 3. The comparison between AIMSUN and SUMO shows that AIMSUN result gives more significant decrease compared to SUMO model. Both AIMSUN and SUMO show the queue length and the travel time in afternoon peak hour decreased in almost all sections. In calibration process, both of AIMSUN and SUMO uses two significantly influencing parameters for queue and travel time. AIMSUN package uses parameters of driver reaction time and the maximum acceleration, while SUMO package uses parameter of the driver imperfection and also the driver reaction time.

Kata Kunci : AIMSUN, Roundabout, Micro-simulation, Root Mean Square Error

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