Laporkan Masalah


PAULA MARIANA KUSTIAWAN, Prof. Dr. Subagus Wahyuono, Apt.

2012 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Farmasi

Imunostimulan adalah salah satu upaya preventif terhadap penyakit infeksi. Sirih merah Piper crocatum Pav. & Ruiz) merupakan salah satu komponen obat tradisional yang banyak digunakan oleh nenek moyang untuk menjaga kesehatan. Namun, belum ada laporan kebenaran ilmiah tentang senyawa yang bertanggungjawab untuk aktivitas tersebut dilaporkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi senyawa aktif dari daun sirih merah (P. crocatum) yang dapat menaikkan sistem imun tubuh. Hasil penelitian awal menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanolik daun sirih merah mempunyai efek imunomodulator terhadap respon imun non-spesifik dari tikus sebagai hewan uji [50 ug/ml (116 latex), 25 ug/ml (115 latex), 5 ug/ml (99 latex) per 100 makrofag]. Pada ekstrak etanolik tersebut dilakukan partisi, fraksinasi dengan bioassay guided isolation. Senyawa aktif pada fraksi aktif dipisahkan dan dimurnikan dengan kromatografi lapis tipis preparatif memberikan dua senyawa (isolat 1 dan 2). Dua senyawa aktif yang diperoleh diuji kemurniannya secara KLT dengan tiga macam variasi fase gerak. Identifikasi struktur senyawa aktif menggunakan metode spektroskopi, yaitu UV, IR, GC-MS dan NMR. Berdasarkan data spektra teridentifikasi bahwa isolat 1 adalah 2-allyl-4- (1'-hydroxy-1'(3\" ,4\" ,5\"-trimethoxyphenyl) propan-2'-yl)-3,5-dimethoxycyclohexa 3,5-dienone dan isolat 2 adalah 2-ally-4-(1'-acetyl-1'-(3\" ,4\" ,5\"-trimethoxyphenyl) propan-2'-yl)-3,5-dimethoxycyclohexa-3,5-dienone. Aktifitas imunostimulan isolat 1 dan 2 (5 ug/ml)sebanding dengan kontrol positif, pada dosis yang sama.

Immunostimulant is one of the preventive mechanism against infectious diseases. Traditional medicine has been used by our ancestors to maintain their health. One ingredient of traditional medicines widely used is sirih merah leaves (Piper crocatum Pav. & Ruiz). However, there is no scientific evidence yet and responsible compounds for this activity are studied or published. Therefore, this study was aimed to isolate and identify responsible active compounds present in sirih merah leaves (P. crocatum), and possibly determine their immunostimulant potency. Preliminary results showed that ethanolic extracts of sirih merah leaves displayed non-specific immunomodulatory effects on rat's immune response [50 ug/ml (116 latex), 25 ug/ml (115 latex), 5 ug/ml (99 latex) per 100 macrophages]. This ethanolic extract was subjected into partition, fractionation directed by bioassay. Active compounds present in the active fraction obtained were separated, purified by preparative thin layer chromatography to give the two compounds 9compounds 1 and 20. Two active compounds were tested for their purity by TLC using three different mobile phases and compounds identification was done by spectrometric methode such as UV, IR, GC-MS and NMR. Based on spectra data obtained, compound 1 was identified as 2-allyl-4- (1'-hydroxy-1'(3\" ,4\" ,5\"-trimethoxyphenyl) propan-2'-yl)-3,5-dimethoxycyclohexa 3,5-dienone dan isolat 2 adalah 2-ally-4-(1'-acetyl-1'-(3\" ,4\" ,5\"-trimethoxyphenyl) propan-2'-yl)-3,5-dimethoxycyclohexa-3,5-dienone. The immunostimulant activity compound 1 and 2 (5 ug/ml each) were comparable to positive control and tested at equal doses.

Kata Kunci : Piper crocatum, imunostimulan, 2-allyl-4- (1'-hydroxy-1'-3\

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