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Muhammad Andryzal Fajar, SE., Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com.

2011 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Akuntansi

Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh kualitas website, reputasi persepsian dan customer trust terhadap niat bertransaksi di electronic commerce melalui online survey. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan survei kuesioner online dengan 166 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan PLS (Partial Least Square) dengan program smartPLS 2.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas website yaitu kualitas sistem persepsian dan kualitas pelayanan persepsian berpengaruh positif terhadap reputasi persepsian dan customer trust. Website dengan kualitas tinggi akan meningkatkan kepercayaan pengguna sementara reputasi akan mengurangi ketidakpastian dan meningkatkan kepercayaan. Akan tetapi, pengaruh kualitas informasi persepsian tidak signifikan terhadap customer trust. Kualitas informasi dalam hal akurasi, kemudahan, kegunaan, kelengkapan, relevansi dan up to date belum cukup untuk membentuk kepercayaan (trust) konsumen. Reputasi persepsian berpengaruh positif terhadap customer trust. Menunjukkan bahwa e-commerce yang dipersepsikan sebagai pihak yang reputasi baik akan menimbulkan trust. Reputasi persepsian dan customer trust berpengaruh positif terhadap niat bertransaksi di e-commerce. Menunjukkan bahwa reputasi website memainkan peran dalam niat bertransaksi dan kepercayaan merupakan faktor penting apakah konsumen akan mempertimbangkan bertransaksi di e-commerce.

This research aims to provide empirical evidence on the effect of website quality, perceived reputation and customer trust on intention to transact in electronic commerce through online surveys. The research was conducted using an online questionnaire survey with 166 respondents. Data were analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Square) with the program smartPLS 2.0. The results of this research show the website quality is the perceived system quality and perceived service quality positive effect on perceived reputation and customer trust. Website with high quality will increase user trust while reputation will reduce uncertainty and increase trust. However, the effect of perceived information quality no significant on customer trust. The information quality in terms of accuracy, ease of understanding, usefulness, completeness, relevance and up to date has not been enough to establish trust of customer. Perceived reputation positive effect on customer trust. Shows e-commerce is perceived as a reputable party would lead trust. Perceived reputation and customer trust positive effect on intention to transact in ecommerce. Shows the website reputation plays a role in the intention to transact and trust is an important factor in whether customer will consider transactions in ecommerce.

Kata Kunci : Online survey, kualitas website, reputasi persepsian, customer trust, e-commerce, partial least square.

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