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Pelaksanaan sistem monitoring kegiatan di Dinas Kesehatn Kota Yogyakarta

PARAMITA, Iswari, Dr. Wahyudi Kumorotomo

2010 | Tesis | S2 Magister Administrasi Publik

Penelitian ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan sistem monitoring kegiatan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dianggap penting karena dalam implementasi sistem monitoring kegiatan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta belum sesuai dengan Peraturan Walikota nomor 135 tahun 2009 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah. Data hasil rekapitulasi pada bulan Januari - Juli tahun 2010 menunjukkan hasil bahwa dari 46 (empat puluh enam) kegiatan terdapat rata-rata 54,3% belum tepat waktu, rata-rata 16,5% tidak lengkap pengisian formatnya, rata-rata 19,1% tidak tepat isi serta pencapaian target realisasi fisik dan keuangan tidak sesuai tatakala. Kecenderungan Pelaksanaan Monitoring Kegiatan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Yogyakarta hanya memenuhi prosedur formal saja,yang penting telah mengumpulkan, pemahaman arti penting monitoring dan implikasinya masih kurang, belum ada upaya tegas untuk pelaku monitoring yang tidak disiplin, belum ada keinginan dari tim pengelola kegiatan untuk berusaha keras sesuai keinginan organisasi sebagai sebuah komitmen organisasi yang dilihat dari sisi individu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengkaji secara mendalam tentang proses pelaksanaan sistem monitoring kegiatan serta alasan yang menjadi penyebab ketidaksesuaian antara pelaksanaan sistem monitoring kegiatan di maksud dengan aturan/pedoman yang ada.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode evaluasi formatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan 3 (tiga) cara yaitu teknik dokumentasi, wawancara dan observasi. Penyajian data dalam bentuk narasi dan tabel distribusi frekuensi sederhana, selanjutnya ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan pertama, bahwa pelaksanaan sistem monitoring kegiatan belum sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil tersebut dianalisis dari unsur sistem monitoring kegiatan meliputi input, proses dan output.kedua, alasan yang menjadi penyebab masih ada ketidaksesuaian antara lain adanya komitmen kerja yang diaktualisasikan dalam bentuk kedisiplinan, semangat, ketekunan dan mutu kerja, kerjasama untuk menyusun pelaporan hasil monitoring kegiatan dinilai kurang baik; kuantitas dan kualitas koordinasi serta komunikasi monitoring kegiatan dirasakan kurang optimal; masih dijumpai adanya etidaksinkronan data dasar (DPASKPD) yaitu sebesar 39,13% (tabel 6.1); pemanfaatan hasil monitoring kegiatan belum optimal untuk perbaikan sistem monitoring kegiatan yang berjalan; mekanisme reward dan punishment belum disepakati oleh semua pelaku sistem monitoring; fungsi sebagai filter dan rujukan informasi yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh sub bagian administrasi data dan pelaporan belum mampu dijalankan secara optimal.

This study discusses about the implementation on monitoring activity system at Municipality Agency of Health in Yogyakarta. This study is considered to be important to conduct because the implementation of monitoring activity system done by them has not met the target as stated in regulation that was issued by the Mayor of Yogyakarta Municipality number 135 of 2009 concerning Local Expenditures Budget Revenues Guidance. The datas of this study were taken from the recapitulation result of document of realistic activity report from January 2010 to July 2010 showed that from 46 (forty six) of activities there were average of 54.3% have not on schedule yet,average of 16.5% of the form completion was not completed and also average of 19,1% was not proper in content. Inclination of the implementation on monitoring activity system at Municipality Agency of Health in Yogyakarta to fulfil the demand of the formal procedure is that just to complete the formal report, they considered that the most important thing is that collecting the regular report, the understanding of the meaning of monitoring and its implications are still lacking, no stricked effort of the manager to control to thos who are undiscipline, no desire to have hard working in self management belongs to the team as what the goal of Municipality Agency of Health in Yogyakarta considered as work commitment as an organizational commitment in terms of individual.The aim of this study is that to describe and to assess deeply comes to the implementation proses of monitoring activity system, and also the reasons that cause the implementation of monitoring activity system did not run as the same way as the commited regulation.The study belongs to descriptive qualitative study using formative evaluation method. Data collection techniques was conducted in three ways. They are document records, interviews and observation. Presentation of the datas are in the form of narrative and simple frequency distribution tables, and taking result by drawing conclusion.This research findings consist of two items. The first: the implementation of monitoring activity system did not run as the same way as the commited regulation. It can be seen based on analysis result of monitoring activity system which consists of the input, the proces and the output of monitoring management. The second: there were some reason that could be a discrepancy causes, i.e. : the working commitments that were actualized in the form of discipline, their responsibility of working, passion,persistence and quality of work, cooperation to compile reporting of monitoring activity result were considered less good; the quantity and quality of coordination and the activity monitoring communication were perceived less optimal; it is still found that the basic data of incompatible (DPA-SKPD) is that equal to 39.13% (table 6.1);the utilization of monitoring activity result is not optimal in improving the current activity monitoring system; the mechanism of reward and punishment has not confirmed by all actors on monitoring system yet; the function of Subbag Administrasi Data dan Pelaporan as the filter and information reference has not been optimal.

Kata Kunci : Sistem,Monitoring kegiatan ,Working commitment,Komitmen kerja

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