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Pengaruh anemia defisiensi besi terhadap prestasi belajar remaja putri di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 2 Kabupaten Purworejo

BATJO, Siti Hadijah, Prof. dr. Djaswadi D, SpOG(K), MPH, Ph.D

2009 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar Belakang: Prevalensi anemia di Indonesia pada wanita umur 15-19 tahun 2001 yaitu 27%. Anemia defisiensi besi dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi cacing tambang, menstruasi, kurangnya kombinasi dalam makanan, kebutuhan yang relatif meningkat pada masa pertumbuhan. Hasil penelitian anemia defisiensi besi dapat menimbulkan masalah pada prestasi kognitif. Tujuan Penelitian: Memperoleh informasi pengaruh anemia defisiensi zat besi terhadap prestasi belajar remaja putri di SMK 2 Kabupaten Purworejo. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cohort prospektif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah semua siswi pada SMK 2 yang telah diperiksa kadar hemoglobinnya pada bulan November tahun 2008 di Kabupaten Purworejo. Pengambilan sampel secara non probability sampling dengan teknik consecutive sampling.Variabel bebas adalah anemia defisiensi besi dan variabel terikat adalah prestasi belajar. Variabel luar meliputi pendidikan ibu, pendidikan bapak, absensi, minat dan status sosial ekonomi. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis univariabel, bivariabel menggunakan uji chi-square dan binomial regression serta multivariabel menggunakan regesi logistik dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil: Hasil multivariabel menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengaruh anemia defisiensi besi terhadap prestasi belajar remaja putri (RR=2,2; 95% CI 1,46-3,25) dengan mengikutsertakan variabel luar pendidikan ibu, pendidikan bapak, absensi, minat dan status sosial ekonomi. Kesimpulan: Remaja putri yang mengalami anemia defisiensi besi lebih berisiko mempunyai prestasi belajar tidak tuntas dibandingkan dengan yang tidak mengalami anemia defisiensi besi.

Background: The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia among women 15-19 years of age in 2001 was 27%. Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by infection of hookworm, menstruation, unbalanced meal combination, and increased needs during growth period. Based on the research, iron deficiency anemia can result in impaired cognitive of school achievement. Objective: To obtain information concerning the effect of iron deficiency anemia toward adolescent girls’ school achievement at SMK 2 in the District of Purworejo. Method: This study used cohort prospective study design. Subjects were all female students at SMK 2 in the District of Purworejo that had been examined their hemoglobin level in November 2008. Sampling method used non probability sampling with a technique of consecutive sampling. The independent variable was iron deficiency anemia and the dependent variable was school achievement. The extraneous variable included mother’s education, father’s education, attendance in class, interest and economic social status. Data analysis comprised univariable analysis, bivariable analysis using chi-square and binomial regression, and multivariable analysis using logistic regression and followed by qualitative analysis. Results: The result of multivariable analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the effect of iron deficiency anemia and adolescent girls’ school achievement (RR=2.2; 95% CI 1.46-3.25) by including the extraneous variable such as mother’s education, father’s education, attendance in class, interest and economic social status. Conclusion: Adolescent girls who experienced iron deficiency anemia were likely to be at a greater risk of having lower school achievement than those who did not experience iron deficiency anemia.

Kata Kunci : Anemia Defisiensi Besi, Prestasi Belajar, Remaja Putri, deficiency anemia, school achievement, adolescent girls

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