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Uji resistensi sipermetrin dan malation pada aedes aegypty di daerah endemis demam berdarah dengue Kabupaten Lombok Barat

KRISTINAWATI, Erna, Dr. drh. Sitti Rahmah Umniyati, SU

2009 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar dan Biomedis

Latar Belakang.Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting di Indonesia termasuk Lombok barat. Ae.aegypti adalah vektor utama dari DBD. Banyak insektisida dari kelompok piretroid (sipermetrin, dan vektron) dan organofosfat (malation dan temefos) telah digunakan selama program kontrol DBD di area ini selama beberapa tahun. Ini dilaporkan bahwa Ae. aegypti dari beberapa daerah endemik dari DBD telah resisten terhadap sipermetrin dan malation. Tujuan.Tujuan penelitian untuk menetapkan status resistensi nyamuk Ae.aegypti yang berasal dari daerah endemis DBD Lombok Barat terhadap insektisida sipermetrin dan malation. Metode.Subyek penelitian ini adalah nyamuk Ae.aegypti betina kenyang gula dan berumur 3-5 hari. Status resistensi ditetapkan berdasarkan dosis diagnostik dengan uji hayati metode CDC. Uji hayati untuk nyamuk dewasa juga untuk menentukan KDT 50,90,99 dan LD 50,90,99 sipermetrin atau malation terhadap Ae. aegypti. Estimated Resistance Ratio dihitung dengan cara pembagi antara LD 50,90,99 insektisida terhadap Ae.aegypti dari daerah endemik dengan LD 50,90,99 nsektisida terhadap Ae. aegypti dari Laboratorium Parasitologi Fakultas Kedoktteran UGM. Hasil.Penelitian ini menunjukkam bahwa Ae. aegypti dari Lombok Barat toleran (85%) terhadap sipermetrin dan rentan (100%) terhadap malation. KDT50,90,99 terhadap sipermetrin nyamuk Ae. aegypti adalah 62,24; 215,37; 592,60 menit, sedangkan KDT50,90,99 terhadap malation terhadap Ae. aegypti dari Lombok Barat adalah 38,58; 54,67; 72,65 menit. Sedangkan LD50,90,99 sipermetrin terhadap Ae. aegypti dari Lombok Barat adalah dosis 1,89; 8,05 dan 26,26 μg/ml. dan malation pada dosis 9,92; 26,47; 58,94 μg/ml. Sedangkan ERR50,90,99 Ae. aegypti asal Lombok Barat terhadap sipermetrin adalah 2,97; 3,94; 5,04 (toleran) dan malation 1,11; 0,95; 1,10 (rentan). Kesimpulan : Status resistensi Ae. aegypti dari Lombok Barat toleran terhadap sipermetrin tapi rentan terhadap malation.

Background. Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is an important health problem in Indonesia including West Lombok. Ae.aegypti is the main vector of DHF. Many insecticides of the group pyrethroid (cypermethrin, and vectronR) and organophosphorus (malathion and temephos) have been used for the DHF control programme in the area for several years. It is reported that Ae. aegypti from some endemic areas of DHF are resistant toward cypermethrin and malathion. Objective. This study was aimed at determining the resistance status of Ae. aegypti in endemic area of DHF in West Lombok against cypermethrin and malathion insecticides. Methods. Subject of this research is sucrose - engorged female Ae.aegypti mosquitoes, at the age of 3-5 days. The resistance status was determined based on diagnostic dose test according to CDC standard bioassay. Adult bioassay were also conducted to determine knock down time (KDT 50, 90, 99) and lethal dose (LD 50, 90, 99) cypermethrin or malathion against Ae.aegypti. Estimated Resistance Ratio was calculated by dividing LD 50, 90, 99 the insecticides against Ae. aegypti from the endemic area and LD 50, 90, 99 the insecticides against Ae.aegypti from the Laboratory of Parasitology, Facult of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. Result. The result showed that Ae.aegypti from endemic area of DHF in West Lombok is resistance to cypermethrine, and tolerant to malathion. The KDT 50, 90, and 99 cypermethrine against Ae aegypti from West Lombok were 62.24 minutes, 215.37 minutes, 592.60 minutes respectively, whereas the KDT 50,90,99 malathion against Ae. aegypti from West Lombok were 38.58, 54.67, 72.65 minutes respectively. Meanwhile the LD 50,90,99 cypermethrin against Ae.aegypti were 1.89, 8.05, and 28.26 μg/bottle respectively, and the LD 50,90,99 malathion against Ae.aegypti from West Lombok were 9.92, 26.47, 58.94 μg/bottle respectively. ERR 50,90,99 cypermethrin against Ae. aegypti from West Lombok were 2,97; 3,94; 5,04 (toleran) respectively. Whereas ERR 50,90,99 malathion against Ae. aegypti from West Lombok were 1,11; 0,95; 1,10 (rentan) respectively. Conclusion. The resistance status of Ae.aegypti from West Lombok are tolerant to cypermethrin but susceptible to malathion.

Kata Kunci : Aeaegypti,DBD,Malation,Sipermetrin,Ae. aegypti, Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, malathion, cypermethrin

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