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Modelling of trip generation for public transport passenger with mandatory purpose in Yogyakarta

FRIANDI, Elsa Putra, Prof. Ir. Sigit Priyanto, M.Sc., Ph.D

2009 | Tesis | S2 Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi

Yogyakarta, as the capital city of D.I. Yogyakarta province, has important roles in various sectors such as education, tourism, administration center and commerce. It makes the provision of good public transport system essential to support the daily activities of the society. Ideally, a good transportation system should be able to accommodate the amount of travel demand. This research is attempting to develop a trip generation model which produces the relationship between travel demand and the socioeconomic attributes. This model is further applied to evaluate existing TransJogja, a new Bus Rapid Transit system in Yogyakarta, shelters location. The trip generation model is developed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data used in the model development consist of primary and secondary data. The primary data are recorded by conducting household survey to 554 household samples while the secondary data are obtained from related institution such as Yogyakarta Transportation Agency, Statistical Bureau, and Department of Public Works. Several models are developed by combining some possible independent variables. The best fitted model is selected by applying statistical measures such as F test, t statistic and linear assumption test. The research reveals that the public transport trips made by the citizens of Yogyakarta during the workday are dominated by trip for educational purpose which consists of home based school and university with proportion 38.12% and 17.15% respectively. The number of trip committed by household tends to increase by the increasing of family size while the increasing of income, car and motorcycle ownership decreases the number of public transport trip. The application of the model to evaluate the existing TransJogja shelters shows that current location of the shelters does not meet with the demand in each zone.

Kata Kunci : Trip generation,Multiple linear regression,Travel demand,Shelter evaluation

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