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Kemacetan kredit usaha kecil program CSRnya PT. Telkom Yogyakarta

MARHAENIATI, Dwi Arief, Dra. Agnes Sunartiningsih, M.S

2008 | Tesis | S2 Sosiologi

Kemacetan usaha kecil program CSRnya PT. Telkom Yogyakarta. Program ini sebagai kepedulian perusahaan besar kepada usaha kecil dan menengah agar terjalin hubungan yang saling membutuhkan. Dengan memberikan bantuan kredit lunak kepada usaha kecil secara bertahap dan bergulir kepada semua pengusaha kecil di D.I. Yogyakarta untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat. Bantuan kredit lunak belum berhasil bergulir merata kepada semua pengusaha kecil, dikarenakan tingkat kepatuhan mitra usaha yang direkomendasi karyawan Telkom terhadap ketentuan perjanjian kredit rendah. Ditandai dengan sebanyak mitra usaha yang tidak mengangsur kredit sebesar 36 % (persen). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui realisasi bantuan kredit lunak pada kemitraan usaha kecil sebagai program CSR PT. Telkom Yogyakarta terhadap tingkat kepatuhan mengangsur kredit . Topik penelitian kemacetan usaha kecil program CSRnya PT. Telkom, dengan batasan pada mitra usaha yang direkomendasi karyawan Telkom, agar peneliti lebih fokus dalam menganalisa hasil penelitian. Tingkat kepatuhan mitra usaha pada pembayaran angsuran dan pelunasan kredit dipengaruhi oleh aspek determinan pertama penyimpangan kebijakan, kedua fasilitas kredit dan kelanjutan program CSR, ketiga komunikasi dan informasi, keempat kondisi lingkungan . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian diskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis dengan perspektif tingkat kepatuhan mitra usaha. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam kepada informan dari mitra usaha yang tidak lancar mengangsur kredit dan nara sumber dari pejabat Telkom, instansi terkait bank mandiri dan Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian. Data sekunder didukung dengan instrument dari dokumen-dokumen dari Kandatel Yogyakarta dan referensi teori yang ada hubungannya dengan topik penelitian. Lokasi penelitian dengan topik kemacetan usaha kecil program CSRnya PT. Telkom Yogyakarta di Kandatel Yogyakarta.

The small businesses in a fix as the implementation of the social responsibility program (CSR) in PT. Telkom D.I. Yogyakarta occupy the interest of the big company to small and medium businesses in order to be established by relations that needed each other. By giving help of soft credit to small businesses in stages and moving on to all the small businessmen in D.I. Yogyakarta.The help of soft credit did not yet succeed in moving on equitable to all the small businessmen, was caused by the level of the obedience of the business partner who was recommended by the Telkom’s employee towards the provisions of the low agreement. Marked by the amount of the business partner who did not move credit of 36 % (percent) .The aim of this research to know why the level of the obedience of the small business partner recommended by the Telkom’s employee is low, ought to have the level of the high obedience. The topic of the research of the small businesses partnership as the implementation of the CSR program, with the limitation to the customer who was recommended by the Telkom’s employee, so that the researcher focus in analyzing results of the research. With the aspect of the first determinant of the policy deviation of the recommendation, the aspect of the determinant of the two shortages of credit facilities ,aspects the third determinant monitoring installment payment was not yet optimal. This research was a descriptive - normative research with the descriptive approach analytical with the normative perspective of the level of the obedience of the soft credit customer of PT. Telkom in the provisions of the credit agreement. The data collection through the deep interview to the informant and the source from the Telkom’s officials, Institutions related the independent and Official Trade bank and the Industry. Supported by instruments of documentation, the available theory reference has relations with the topic of the research. The location of the research is at Regional Telecommunication Office of Yogyakarta (Kandatel).The policy deviation of the recommendation was indicated by the existence of the nepotism action and collusion in the giving agreement of credit that is given priority to the prospective customer from the extended family of PT. Telkom. Found by the existence of fictitious efforts, the use deviation of credit facilities, the commitment and the honesty of the partner that could not be assessed as accountable, as well as the perception of help of the CSR program as the contribution or help that his characteristics the grant from the company's Telkom profit.The shortage of credit facilities that is not yet having the co-operation between Telkom and the insurance agency in giving of soft credit to the customer, the weakness of the agreement of the credit contract, not yet to be precise the gift/reward that was given to the customer. Complete facilities reduced the risk of credit of stalling, his rolling obstacle help of soft credit to the other customer because of being not fluent in him the credit installment. Was not yet optimal him monitoring against payment of the credit installment was caused by communication and information between Telkom and the independent bank in understanding the customer's data only 1 month very much, the shortage of the management from the Telkom’s side to the customer, the collateral as the credit guarantee not property of the susceptible customer the conflict as well as complaints from the owner's side of the certificate to the Telkom’s side.

Kata Kunci : Penyimpangan kebijakan,Fasilitas kredit,Program CSR Telkom,Komunkasi dan informasi,Kondisi lingkungan, recommendation deviation, credit facilities, monitoring, the level of pursuance

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