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Bioindikator komunitas mangrove Makrozoobenthos untuk monitoring degradasi ekosistem di sungai Mentaya Kalimantan Tengah

SETYONO, Prabang, Promotor Prof.Dr. Shalihuddin Djalal Tandjung, M.Sc

2006 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Lingkungan

Dampak kegiatan dermaga CPO (crude palm oil) di Sungai Mentaya Kalimantan Tengah me nyebabkan kerusakan ekosistem, terutama perubahan komunitas Mangrove maupun makrozoobenthos. Salah satu cara untuk monitoring degradasi ekosistem adalah menentukan jenis yang tetap bertahan hidup pada kondisi tercemar. Jenis yang mampu bertahan hidup dan diperkirakan mensintesis alloenzim merupakan salah satu indikator. Alloenzim disintesis sebagai suatu usaha proses adaptasi terhadap tekanan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh cemaran tumpahan minyak CPO di Sungai Mentaya. Alloenzim muncul sebagai proses adaptasi fenotipik maupun genotipik atau plastisitas fenotipik. Penelitian ini meliputi penelitian lapangan untuk pengumpulan data lingkungan (kandungan minyak, suhu, pH, daya hantar listrik dan potensial redoks), penelitian laboratorium yang terdiri dari serangkaian analisis kualitas air (DO, BOD, COD, pH, TSS, TDS) dan kandungan alloenzim Soneratia caseolaris L. dan Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Alloenzim akar serta daun pada mangrove dan hepatopankreas pada makrozoobenthos dianalisis dengan elektroforesis gel pati dapar elektrolit metode Spencer pada medium sukrose. Komponen alloenzim yang terpisah dideteksi dengan pewarnaan spesifik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Soneratia caseolaris L. dan Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man sebagai bioindikator pada lingkungan sungai yang tercemar tumpahan minyak CPO. Lingkungan air sungai yang terpapar cemaran tumpahan minyak CPO menurunkan Potensial redoks, DO, dan meningkatkan kandungan minyak, DHL, Suhu air dan pH sedimen, pH air, TDS, BOD, COD, dan TSS,. Hasil analisis gel elektroforesis di lokasi terpapar tumpahan minyak CPO pada mangrove Soneratia caseolaris L mensintesis alloenzim yang berupa enzim kompleks yaitu a-GPD, GPI, EST, PGM, ADH pada sel akar dan daun. Enzim tersebut juga disintesis hampir sama dengan enzim yang disintesis oleh Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Komponen alloenzim yang sama dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk biomonitoring dan deteksi dini proses degradasi ekosistem di sungai yang efektif.

The impact of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) dock activity in Mentaya River of Central Borneo caused degradation of ecosystem, particularly on both mangrove and macrozoobenthos community. One of methods used for monitoring of ecosystem degradation was to determine species that were still survive under the polluted conditions. The se survival species were assumed to synthesize alloenzyme that can be used as indicator. Alloenzyme was synthesized as an effort of adaptation processes toward environmental pressures caused by CPO spill on Mentaya River. Alloenzyme would be expressed as phenotypic and genotypic adaptation processes or phenotypic plasticity. Research was carried out, consisted of field research included collecting sample and environmental data (oil content, temperature, pH, electric conductivity and redox potential), and laboratory research included series analysis of water quality (DO, BOD, COD, pH, TSS, TDS) and also alloenzyme content of Soneratia caseolaris L. and Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. The alloenzyme of root and leaves mangrove and prawn’s hepatopancreas was analyzed using Spencer starch gel electrophoresis modified method of exposed on sucrose solution. Separated components of alloenzyme were detected by special staining. The results revealed that Soneratia caseolaris L. and Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man were bioindicator organisms for the polluted site by oil spills from CPO loading activities. The polluted river water by oil spill from CPO activities decreased redox potential, DO, increased oil content, DHL, water temperatur e, pH sediment, pH water, TDS, BOD, COD, TSS. Gel electrophoretical analysis demonstrated that Mangrove Soneratia caseolaris synthesized alloenzyme consisted of complex enzymes such as a-GPD, GPI, EST, PGM, ADH in its root and leave cells. Those enzymes were nearly similar to those of Macrobrachium rosenbergii. The similar component of the alloenzyme are promising enzyme used as a tool for biomonitoring and an effective methods for detection of early river ecosystem degradation.

Kata Kunci : Degradasi Ekosistem,Mangrove dan Makrozoobenthos

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