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FIRMANTO ADI NURCAHYO, Prof. Dr. Saifuddin Azwar, M.A; Dr. Wisjnu Martani, S.U; Prof. Dr. Badrun Kartowagiran, M.Pd

2019 | Disertasi | DOKTOR ILMU PSIKOLOGI

Minat memiliki peran yang penting dalam pendidikan serta pemilihan pekerjaan. Holland mengembangkan konstrak teoretis minat vokasional yang membagi minat menjadi enam yakni Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, serta Conventional (RIASEC). Masing-masing tipe minat memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan inventori minat vokasional sebagai pengukur minat remaja. Aitem-aitem dikembangkan dalam bentuk gambar yang didasarkan pada masing-masing karakteristik RIASEC. Inventori dikembangkan dalam versi laki-laki dan perempuan. Berdasarkan hasil validasi isi dipilih aitem-aitem dengan nilai Aiken�s V lebih dari 0,8. Responden uji coba adalah 826 remaja. Seleksi aitem menghasilkan 24 aitem dengan koefisien korelasi aitem-total 0,311-0,689. Estimasi reliabilitas dengan Cronbach Alpha menghasilkan enam koefisien yang berkisar antara 0,600-0,788, sedangkan estimasi reliabilitas dengan metode test-retest menghasilkan koefisien sebesar 0,706-0,820. Hasil analisis faktor konfirmatori menunjukkan bahwa aitem-aitem pada setiap tipe minat berkontribusi secara signifikan. Hasil validasi by known groups menunjukkan bahwa Inventori Minat Vokasional dapat membedakan kelompok responden dengan minat yang berbeda. Korelasi inventori dengan Skala Minat Vokasional menghasilkan validitas konkuren tinggi dan menengah pada tiga tipe minat. Penambahan aitem-aitem yang setara dapat meningkatkan reliabilitas dari Inventori Minat Vokasional.

Interest has an important role in education and job selection. Holland has developed a vocational interest theoretical construct that divide interest into six types which are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). Each type of interest has its own characteristics. This study aimed to develop a vocational interest inventory for adolescent. Items were presented in the form of pictures, specially developed to represent RIASEC characteristics. Two version of the inventory were constructed each for male and male respondents. For both versions, items were selected based on Aiken's V index of .8 or higher to support content validity. Respondents for instrument testing were 826 adolescents. 24 items were selected with corrected item total correlation ranging from .311 to .689. The estimation of Cronbach Alpha reliability produced six coefficients ranging from .600 to .788, while test-retest reliability yielded coefficients of .706- .820. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the items in each type of interest contribute significantly. The result of by known groups validation showed that the inventory was able to distinguish groups of respondents with different interest types. The association of the inventory with Vocational Interest Scale resulted medium and high concurrent validity for three types of interest. Additional parallel items for each type of interest could improve the reliability of the inventory.

Kata Kunci : minat vokasional, konstrak Holland, pengembangan inventori

  1. S3-2019-373676-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2019-373676-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2019-373676-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2019-373676-title.pdf