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TRI MURINI, Prof. Dr. Dra. Mae Sri Hartati Wahyuningsih, M.Si. Apt.; Prof. Dr. A. Fudholi, DEA, Apt.; dr. Tri Baskoro T. Satoto, M.Sc., Ph.D.

2018 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Kedokteran

Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor utama penyebab demam berdarah dengue di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya pemberantasan telah dilakukan, tetapi prevalensi demam berdarah masih tinggi. Untuk mengurangi penyebaran nyamuk lebih efektif apabila diberantas ketika masih dalam bentuk larva. Pemakaian larvisida kimia dalam secara terus menerus dalam waktu lama dapat mengakibatkan resistensi. Rimpang lempuyang gajah (Zingiber zerumbet J.E.(L) Smith) merupakan salah satu bahan alam yang mempunyai potensial sebagai larvisida. Dipilih sediaan granul karena cepat terdistribusi dengan baik di air sehingga menyebabkan interaksi yang optimal dengan pergerakan naik turun larva Ae.aegypti pada waktu mengambil makanan. Penelitian ini dikerjakan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan fraksi larut PE dalam sediaan granul yang mempunyai aktivitas larvisida terhadap larva Ae.aegypti Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat fraksi larut PE terstandar zerumbon dari rimpang Z. zerumbet. Uji aktivitas larvisida secara in vivo terhadap larva stadium III-IV Ae. aegypti. Penetapan LC dan LC mengikuti tata cara analisa probit. Pengamatan diskriptif tingkat kerusakan organ midgut larva Ae.aegypti dengan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin dan dianalisis secara Kruskal Wallis. Komponen penyusun sediaan granul terdiri dari Na. starch glycolat; PVP K-30 dan tween 80. Kecepatan alir, sudut diam dan daya serap dari 13 formula granul digunakan sebagai parameter optimasi dengan metode simplex lattice design (SLD). Berdasarkan persamaan Simpelx lattice Design dengan sofware Design expert versi 7.1.5. dibuat countour plot dan superimposed digunakan untuk menentukan formula optimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fraksi larut PE dari rimpang Z. zerumbet terstandar zerumbon mempunyai aktivitas larvisida dengan nilai LC : 67,01 ppm dan LC 90 50 : 90,00 ppm. Didapatkan hasil berbeda bermakna antara gambaran histopatologi organ midgut larva Ae. aegypti yang dipaparkan dengan fraksi larut PE rimpang Z. zerumbet dan kontrol. Berdasarkan superimposed diperoleh formula optimum dengan Na. starch glycolat (2%); PVP K-30 (2%) dan tween 80 (5%). Diperoleh kecepatan alir 10,42 +-0,38 g/detik, sudut diam 25,38+-0,33 o dan daya serap 27,9+-0,63 mg/menit. Interaksi antara Na. starch glycolat; PVP K-30 dan tween 80 meningkatkan terhadap kecepatan alir dan sudut diam serta menurunkan daya serap granul rimpang Z. zerumbet. Disimpulkan bahwa fraksi larut PE rimpang Z. zerumbet terstandar zerumbon mempunyai aktivitas larvisida dan menyebabkan nekrosis pada organ midgut larva Ae. aegypti. Diperoleh formula optimum untuk granul yang berisi fraksi larut PE rimpang Z. zerumbet yang berkhasiat sebagai larvisida terhadap larva Ae. aegypti.

Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue virus, the cause of dengue fever, in Indonesia. Various eradication efforts have been done, but the prevalence of dengue fever is still high. The more effective way to reduce the spread of mosquitoes is eradication of the larval form. The chronic use of larvacide in granular preparations can lead to resistance. The lempuyang gajah rhizome (Zingiber zerumbet JE (L) Smith) was one of the natural materials having the potential as a larvicide. The granular dosage form was chosen because it distributes well and enable optimal interaction with A. aegypti larvae which moves up and down during their live. The aim of this study is to develop zerumbon standardized PE soluble fraction gr anular of Z. zerumbet rhizome as larvacide against Ae. aegypti larva. In this research, the zerumbon standardize PE soluble fraction of Z. zerumbet rhizome was made. Larvicidal activity was done in vivo against stage III-IV Ae larvae Ae. aegypti. The determination of LC 50 and LC was done using probit analysis. The observation of the anatomical damage of the midgut larvae was done using hematoxylin eosin staining and analyzed using Kruskal Wallis. The granular preparation components were Na. starch glycolate; PVP K-30 and tween 80. The flow rate, angle of repose and the absorption of 13 run granule formulas were used as optimization parameters with simplex lattice design (SLD) method. Based on the SLD equations a countour plot and superimposed are used to determine the optimum formula. 90 The standardized soluble PE fraction of Z. zerumbet rhizome showed larvicidal activity with LC 50 values: 67,01 and LC : 90,00 ppm. The histopathological images of larvae midgut were different between standardized active fraction of Z. zerumbet rhizome group compare to those on the control group. Based on the superimposed, the optimum formula of the granule is Na. starch glycolate (2%); PVP K-30 (2%) and tween 80 (5%). The flow rate of 10.42 +- 0.38 g /sec, angle of repose 10.29 +- 0.33 90 , and a absorption of 27.9 +- 0.63 mg /min. Interaction between Na. starch glycolate, PVP K30 and tween 80 incresed the flow rate, angle of repose and decreased absorption of the granules of Z. zerumbet rhizome. It was concluded that the zerumbon standardized PE soluble fraction of Z. zerumbet rhizome showed larvacidal activity and caused necrosis on Ae. aegypti larva organ. This research obtains an optimum formula for granule containing zerumbon standardized PE soluble fraction of Z. zerumbet rhizome that shows larvacidal activity against Ae. aegypti larva.

Kata Kunci : fraksi larut PE terstandart, rimpang Z. zerumbet (L) J.E. Smith, larvisida, granul formula optimum, standardized active fraction, Z. zerumbet (L) J.E. Smith rhizome, larvicidal, optimum granule formula

  1. S3-2018-337396-bibliography.pdf  
  2. S3-2018-337396-tableofcontent.pdf  
  3. S3-2018-337396-title.pdf