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Dinamika Disengagement Pelaku Terorisme di Indonesia

DHESTINA RELIGIA M, Prof. Kwartarini Wahyu Yuniarti, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D., Psikolog

2017 | Tesis | S2 Psikologi

Kebijakan rehabilitasi pelaku teror perlu mempertimbangkan konteks budaya masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui dinamika disengagement dan tingkat nasionalisme pelaku teror di Indonesia. Teori identitas sosial dirasa paling tepat untuk digunakan. Informan penelitian adalah dua orang mantan pelaku teror yang telah menyesali perbuatan dan menyatakan keluar dari kelompok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan naratif. Bergabung dengan kelompok radikal dapat meningkatkan self esteem pelaku teror. Identitas personal diinternalisasi dari kelompok, sehingga individu bersedia melakukan apapun yang menjadi keputusan kelompok. Self esteem turun saat masuk dalam DPO. Identitas kelompok menjadi subordinat dan identitas personal naik yang pada akhirnya membuat mereka berpikir kritis mengenai strategi teror yang selama ini dipilih. Informan dalam penelitian ini mengalami disengagement, tanpa masuk dalam fase deradikalisasi. Faktor utama disengagement mereka adalah strategi pendekatan pemerintah dan kepolisian serta dukungan keluarga. Konflik dengan ingroup, kontak dengan outgroup, dan melihat korban pengeboman menjadi faktor lain dalam disengagement informan penelitian

Terrorist rehabilitation policies need to consider the cultural context of the community. The purpose of this study is to know the dynamics of disengagement and the level of nationalism of terrorists in Indonesia. Social identity theory was most appropriate to be used. The research informants were two ex-terrorists who had regretted their wrongdoings and declared their separation from the group. The research was conducted using qualitative method and narrative approach. Joining a radical group could increase the terrorist's self-esteem. Their personal identity was internalized from the group, so that the individual willing to do anything that became the group's decision. Their self-esteem went down when got into the wanted list. Group identity became subordinate and personal identity rose which ultimately made them think critically about the terror strategy that has been selected all those time. The informants in this study experienced disengagement, without entering the phase of de-radicalization. The main factor of their disengagement was the strategy of governmental and police approach and also the family support. Conflicts with in-groups, contact with outgroups, and seeing victims of bombing became another factor in the research informants disengagement

Kata Kunci : Terorisme, Disengagement, Deradikalisasi, Identitas Sosial

  1. S2-2017-388644-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-388644-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-388644-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-388644-title.pdf