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Sebagai media tak terbatas untuk berbagi dan mengakses informasi, internet telah mengubah dinamika antara kebebasan berekspresi, privasi dan keamanan. Hal ini telah memicu perdebatan internasional tentang tata kelola internet antar negara di forum seperti UN GGE, IGF, dan WSIS. Namun, konsensus mengenai penanganan penyensoran di internet belum tercapai. Inilah mengapa penelitian ini berfokus untuk menilai isu kebebasan berekspresi versus keamanan nasional, dengan menggunakan contoh kasus Indonesia. Setelah serangan teroris seperti Bom Bali, dan Bom Thamrin baru-baru ini, Indonesia tak bisa dipungkiri mengimplementasikan kebijakan ketat penyensoran "ekstremisme" di internet, dengan angka situs yang diblokir Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemkominfo) menaik pada setiap tahunnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan, yaitu: mengapa Indonesia melakukan kebijakan ini, dan apakah kebijakan sudah sesuai dengan norma kebebasan berekspresi dan perlindungan sosial cybersecurity. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan systematic literature review mengenai sumber norma internasional, peneliti menganalisis isu dengan membandingkan kebijakan Indonesia dengan norma internasional, dan mengidentifikasinya di dalam Norm Life Cycle. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penyensoran "ekstremisme" internet di Indonesia menjunjung tinggi prinsip norma kebebasan berekspresi dan perlindungan sosial. Karena norma berada di tahap awal Norm Cascade dan Norm Emergence, tekanan eksternal untuk mengikuti norma terbatas. Kedaulatan negara mengenai norma masih dapat disesuaikan dengan kepentingan nasional, dan norm entrepreneurs dalam negeri. Inilah mengapa pembatasan kebebasan berekspresi di internet di Indonesia dianggap terjustifikasi demi keamanan nasional.

As a limitless medium to share and access information, the internet has transformed the dynamics between freedom of expression, privacy and security. This has sparked international debates about internet governance between nations in forums such as UN GGE, IGF, and WSIS. However, a consensus on how to handle censorship on the internet has not been reached. This is why this research specifically assesses the issue of freedom of expression versus national security, using the case example of Indonesia. After numerous terrorist attacks like the Bali Bombings, and the most recent Thamrin Bombing, Indonesia undeniably upholds a strict policy of "extremism" censorship on the internet, with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) blocking more and more websites per year. This research aims to answer two questions, which are: why Indonesia upholds this policy, and whether it is in line with the cybersecurity norms of freedom of expression and social protection. Using qualitative research methods and a systematic literature review of sources of international norms, we analyze the issue by comparing Indonesia's policies with international norms, and identifying it within the Norm Life Cycle. The research has found that Indonesia's internet "extremism" censorship upholds principles of both the freedom of expression norm and social protection. Due to the norm being in the beginning stages of Norm Emergence and Norm Cascade, external pressure to conform is limited, and policies regarding it are still up to national interests, and domestic norm entrepreneurs. This is why limiting freedom of expression on the internet in Indonesia is deemed justifiable for the sake of national security.

Kata Kunci : Cybersecurity, internet governance, freedom of expression, censorship, internet, IGF, Norm Life Cycle, extremism, radicalism

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