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FIRSTI CERIA ANANDA, Andreas Budi Purnomo Brodjonegoro, Drs., M.A.,

2018 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU EKONOMI

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh struktur dan perilaku pasar terhadap kinerja 10 (sepuluh) perusahaan go public dalam industri farmasi di Indonesia yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2010 - 2016. Pada penelitian ini digunakan teori dan paradigma Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) untuk analisis industri. Model yang digunakan adalah model efek tetap (Fixed Effects Model) yang diadaptasi dari penelitian William G. Sheperd (1972) dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pangsa pasar memengaruhi Return on Assets (ROA); konsentrasi lima perusahaan terbesar (CR5) tidak memengaruhi ROA; rasio intensitas iklan terhadap penjualan (Advertising-Sales Ratio) memengaruhi ROA. Ukuran perusahaan menggunakan total aset perusahaan per pekerja memengaruhi ROA. Sedangkan pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan tidak memengaruhi ROA perusahaaan industri farmasi Indonesia. Secara umum, paradigma SCP tradisional berlaku pada industri farmasi Indonesia.

This study aims to analyze the relationship and effect of market structure and conduct on 10 (ten) go public companies in pharmacy industry in Indonesia from 2010 to 2016 which listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study use Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) paradigm and assumptions for industry analysis. The method of analysis used in this study is panel data regression analysis of fixed effects model (FEM) adopted from William G. Sheperd (1972) with the method of Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The result shows that market share has a positive and significant effect on Return on Assets (ROA); five-firm concentration ratio (CR5) does not affect ROA significantly; Advertising-Sales Ratio and Size using Total Assets per Employee has a negative relationship and significant effect on ROA. Meanwhile, company's growth of income does not affect ROA of pharmacy firms in Indonesia. Generally, traditional SCP paradigm is applied to analysis of pharmacy industry in Indonesia

Kata Kunci : ROA, Market Share, Concentration Ratio, Advertising-Sales Ratio, Total Assets Per Employee, Size, Growth, industri, farmasi, monopolistik, SCP, Structure, Conduct, and Performance, Fixed Effects Model

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