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Integrasi Imigran dalam Negara Kesejahteraan, Studi Kasus: Swedia

HANA HUSNAFA UMRO, Drs. Muhadi Sugiono, MA


Berangkat dari tipologi rezim kesejahteraan Esping-Andersen, penelitian ini berargumen bahwa model negara kesejahteraan berperan vital dalam menentukan tingkat integrasi imigran. Dengan metode studi kasus, penelitian mengamati integrasi kelompok imigran masyarakat penerima di Swedia sebagai eksemplar dari negara kesejahteraan klaster sosial demokratis atau model Skandinavia yang menerapkan tingkat dekomodifikasi dan universalisme tertinggi dibandingkan dua klaster lain dalam tipologi Esping-Andersen. Penelitian berfokus pada perbandingan proses dan hasil integrasi imigran antara sebelum dan sesudah reformasi kebijakan integrasi imigran tahun 2010 yang menyebabkan pergeseran signifikan terhadap negara kesejahteraan Swedia. Data mengenai berbagai kelompok imigran dalam ketenagakerjaan dan interaksi dengan masyarakat asli dianalisis dalam kerangka teori sosial kritis Jurgen Habermas dan model pemenuhan hak sosial imigran Diane Sainsbury yang berkaitan dengan konsep kewarganegaraan dan negara kesejahteraan sebagai sistem stratifikasi sosial. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan perhatian internasional yang semakin intens ditujukan pada integrasi imigran di Swedia yang terkenal sebagai suaka sosial demokratis, toleran, dan ramah pengungsi, ketika kerusuhan dan protes semakin sering terjadi sejak awal dekade terakhir. Reformasi tahun 2010 yang diuji coba sejak 2008 justru mendukung antagonisme antara negara kesejahteraan dan imigrasi dalam upaya mempercepat integrasi dan meningkatkan kontribusi imigran dalam perekonomian Swedia. Perubahan-perubahan mayor yang terlihat dalam situasi sosial politik Swedia secara umum juga mempengaruhi interpretasi masyarakat penerima terhadap imigran, terutama yang datang dari Timur Tengah dan Afrika. Sistem komunikasi masyarakat yang menentukan akses imigran terhadap negara kesejahteraan pun terdistorsi oleh perubahan-perubahan yang gagal diprediksi sebelumnya.

On the premise that the model of the welfare state is inherently vital to determining the level of immigrants' integration, this thesis draws upon Esping-Andersen's welfare regime typology as a point of departure. Using case study method, integration of immigrants into the receiving society in Sweden is observed with the country being the leading exemplar of the social democratic cluster or the Scandinavian model, which aims towards the highest possible level of de-commodification and universalism, compared to that of its liberal or conservative counterparts in Esping-Andersen's typology. This research is focused on comparing both the process and outcomes of immigrant integration before and after the 2010 integration policy reform that caused a rather drastic shift in the Swedish welfare state. The dataset on various groups of immigrants in the labour market and their interaction with the native population is analyzed in a theoretical framework utilizing Jurgen Habermas'critical social theory and Diane Sainsbury's work on immigrants' social rights pertaining to the concept of citizenship and the welfare state as a social stratification system. The results map out explanations to the sudden surge of international attention paid to immigrants' integration in Sweden that has been globally popular as the social democratic, tolerant and refugee-friendly safe haven, as more riots have broken out and more protests have been sparked since the turn of the last decade. The 2010 reform that was previously introduced and underwent two-year trials in 2008 during the historical global recession proved to promote antagonism between the welfare state and immigration in attempts to accelerate integration and maximize immigrants' contributions to the Swedish economy. Major changes seen in the social and political mood of the country generally alter how native population interprets and perceives immigrants, particularly those coming from the Middle East and Africa. The communication system that has been established in the society and determines immigrants' access to the welfare state, thus, is distorted by these unforeseen changes.

Kata Kunci : Negara kesejahteraan, imigrasi, integrasi imigran, ketenagakerjaan, stratifikasi sosial, communicative action, Swedia.

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