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Kata-kata Bermuatan Konsep Freedom dalam Budaya Inggris

MAYLA CHOESNA FP, Dr. Aris Munandar, M.Hum.

2018 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Linguistik

Penelitian tentang kata-kata bermuatan konsep freedom dalam budaya Inggris ini menyelidiki tiga permasalahan: struktur semantis dan realisasi nomina yang merealisasikan konsep freedom, makna konsep freedom dari tiap nomina, dan faktor kultural yang mendasari berbagai konsep freedom tersebut. Penelitian mengaplikasikan teori Metabahasa Semantik Alami (MSA) bersama dengan kerangka pikir Analisis Komponensial (AK). Teori MSA digunakan untuk menafsirkan makna tiap nomina dan menghubungkannya dengan latar belakang budaya. Sedangkan AK diadaptasi dalam kerangka pikir analisis untuk menguraikan fitur semantisnya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Ada sedikitnya 16 nomina yang ditemukan, diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga tipe, yaitu nomina yang menekankan pada fitur freedom to~, freedom from~, dan freedom of~. Tipe freedom to~ mencakup liberty, carte blanche, free will, latitude, dan leeway; tipe freedom from~ mencakup immunity, impunity, dan exemption; dan terakhir, tipe freedom of~ mencakup kata discretion, free speech, sovereignty, independence, autonomy, self-determination, dan autarky. Kategori freedom to~ memiliki ciri dalam fiturnya berupa konsep "if I want to do something I can do it"; tipe freedom from~ secara berbeda memiliki konsep "I don't have to do something, many people have to do this"; kategori freedom of~ berkonsep "if I want to do something I can do it/I can do something, this something is something like this". Perbedaan konsep tiap-tiap nomina dapat dijelaskan melalui eksplanasi skenario kognitif prototipikal karena bagian ini mengembangkan pemahaman konsep tiap nomina secara berbeda. Variasi konsep-konsep freedom yang dimanifestasikan dalam nomina didasari oleh faktor kultural Inggris. Motivasi yang melandasinya adalah aspek geografis dan filosofis. Aspek geografis dipengaruhi oleh insularitas masyarakat Inggris yang membentuk kepribadian masyarakat yang bebas dan independen. Aspek filosofis dilandasi oleh nilai-nilai yang dijunjung yaitu non-paksaan, non-interferensi, otonomi personal, anti dogmatisme, dan toleransi. Bukti linguistis lainnya seperti ekspresiekspresi memperkuat pernyataan bahwa kebebasan merupakan salah satu nilai budaya ini. Maka, realisasi nomina-nomina tersebut dapat ditegaskan sebagai representasi konsep kebebasan budaya Inggris.

The investigation on the key words to concept of freedom in English culture delves into three following concerns: the semantic structure and nouns manifesting the English concepts of freedom, the meaning of the concepts of freedom embedded in the realized nouns, and the cultural aspects underlying the various British English's concepts of freedom. Data of this study are obtained from dictionaries and corpus-based website. The Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) theory is applied jointly with the Componential Analysis framework to investigate the issues. The use of NSM theory dominates the whole analysis to decipher the meaning of each noun by explication and correlate it with the cultural backgrounds. The CA is adapted in its framework of analysis to look into the semantic features. This study yields in several findings. There were at least 16 nouns realized; liberty, carte blanche, free will, latitude, leeway, immunity, impunity, exemption, discretion, free speech, sovereignty, independence, autonomy, self-determination, and autarky, which can be classified into three classifications. They were those that emphasize on its freedom to~ feature, the freedom from~ feature, and the freedom of~ feature. The freedom to~ category has liberty, carte blanche, free will, latitude, and leeway; the freedom from~ type includes immunity, impunity, and exemption; and the freedom of~ type has discretion, free speech, sovereignty, independence, autonomy, self-determination, and autarky. The freedom to~ type has its feature of concept "if I want to do something I can do it". Those in the classification of freedom from~ distinctively has its "I don't have to do something"-"many people have to do this" qualities. While the freedom of~ category typically framed "if I want to do something I can do it/I can do something"-"this something is something like this". The differences of the concept of each noun, then designated as the cultural key words, can be elucidated through the elaboration of its prototypical cognitive scenario as this part developed the understanding of the concepts differently. The concepts of freedom manifested in the nouns are evidently initiated from English's cultural underpinnings. The motivations prompting this are its geographical and philosophical aspects. The former is motivated by the Englishmen's insularity that developed their independent as well as their free spirit while the latter is issued by some English's encouraged cultural values namely non-interference, non-imposition, personal autonomy, anti-dogmatism, and tolerance. Other linguistic evidences such as expressions corroborate the claim that freedom is one of the English values. Thus, it is as fine an assertion that the realized cultural key words are the representation of English's concept of freedom.

Kata Kunci : freedom, Metabahasa Semantik Alami (MSA), eksplikasi, Inggris, budaya.

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