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DELLA EMA NURDIANA, Dr. Ir. Jarot Setyowiyoto, M.Sc.

2018 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNIK GEOLOGI

Heterogenitas batuan karbonat menjadi hal yang sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Proses diagenesis batuan merupakan salah satu faktor utama penyebab heterogenitas batuan karbonat. Proses diagenensis dapat menambah maupun mengurangi porositas dan permeabilitas sehingga penelitian ini mengambil topik mengenai fasies, proses diagenesis, dan sifat petrofisika batuan karbonat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui fasies, proses diagenesis, lingkungan diagenesis, dan sifat petrofisika batuan meliputi porositas, permeabilitas, dan saturasi hidrokarbon. Pembagian fasies dilakukan berdasarkan data petrografi dan batuan inti (core). Penentuan proses diagenesis dengan lingkungan diagenesisnya dilakukan berdasarkan data petrografi. Persamaan yang dipakai pada perhitungan petrofisika dipilih berdasarkan nilai yang paling mendekati nilai uji laboratorium atau data Routine Core Analysis (RCAL). Penentuan zona potensial berdasarkan perhitungan petrofisika dan dibatasi cut off yang didapat dari data uji produksi dari Drill Stem Test, dan data Special Core Analysis (SCAL). Integrasi dari data-data tersebut menghasilkan 16 zona potensial pada lapangan penelitian.

The heterogeneity of carbonate rock is interesting to study. The diagenetic processes is one of the main factors causing heterogeneity of carbonate rock. Diagenetic processes can increase and deduct porosity and permeability so that this research take topics about facies, diagenetic processes, and petrophysical properties of carbonate rock. The purpose of this research is to determine facies, diagenetic processes, diagenetic environment, and petrophysical properties such as porosity, permeability, and hydrocarbon saturation. Determination of facies is based on petrographic and core. Determination of diagenetic processes and diagenetic environment are based on petrographic. The equations used in the calculation of petrophysics are selected based on the closest value to the laboratory value or the Routine Core Analysis (RCAL) data. Determination of potential zones based on calculations of petrophysics and had limits obtained from production test data of Drill Stem Test, and Special Core Analysis (SCAL) data. Integration all of data generate 16 potential zones in the field of research.

Kata Kunci : Heterogenitas, Batuan Karbonat, Fasies, Diagenesis, Petrofisika, Zona Potensial

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