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ANASTASIA DWIAYU H, Dr. Sugeng Sapto Sarjono, S.T., M.T.

2018 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Geologi

Lapangan ADH terletak pada Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara, Kecamatan Bojonegoro Kota, sekitar kurang lebih 135 km sebelah barat Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Lapangan ini merupakan salah satu lapangan yang menghasilkan hidrokarbon, berupa minyak yang berasal dari Formasi Tuban. Karakterisasi properti fasies dan diagenesis serta rock typing diharapkan memberikan hasil yang lebih baik dalam melihat karakteristik reservoar karbonat dan potensinya sehingga pengembangan Lapangan ADH dapat lebih efisien. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data bawah permukaan berupa data seismik 3D, log sumur, dan inti batuan serta data sayatan tipis. Jumlah sumur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 3 sumur dengan 1 sumur yang terdiri dari data batuan inti dan sayatan tipis. Analisis dan interpretasi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fasies, asosiasi fasies, diagenesis dan pembagian rock type serta distribusinya dibawah permukaan. Formasi Tuban Lapangan ADH terdiri dari lima lithofasies yaitu Skeletal Packstone, Skeletal Grainstone, Skeletal Wackestone, Alga Boundstone, dan Skeletal Pelloid Packestone. Terdapat dua asosiasi fasies utama pada penelitian ini yaitu Foreslope dan Organic Build Up. Proses diagenesis yang terjadi meliputi mikritisasi, disolusi, dan kompaksi, dengan lingkungan diagenesis berupa marine diagenesis, meteoric diagenesis, dan burial diagenesis. Terdapat 3 klasifikasi rock type yaitu PRT 1 (vuggy porosity and moldic macropore patchy association) dengan porositas lebih dari 21% dan permeabilitas lebih dari 41 mD, PRT 2 (interparticle meso-macropore patchy association) dengan porositas antara 4-21% dan permeabilitas antara 1-61 mD, dan PRT 3 (interparticle micropore uniform) dengan nilai porositas kurang dari 4% dan permeabilitas kurang dari 1 mD. Berdasarkan hasil inversi, maka dapat dilihat bahwa daerah penelitian pada dasarnya didominasi oleh kehadiran PRT 3 sekitar 55% (interparticle micropore uniform), terdapat pula kebedaraan PRT 1 sekitar 40% (vuggy porosity dan moldic macropore patchy association), kehadiran PRT 2 sekitar 5% (interparticle mesopore patchy association) dimana jenis PRT ini merupakan PRT yang bersifat menengah diantara jenis PRT yang lainnya.

ADH field is located in the North East Java Basin, sub district of Bojonegoro, about 135 km west of Surabaya, East Java. This field is one of the field that produce hydrocarbons, in the form of oil derived from Tuban Formation. Characterization of facies and diagenesis properties and rock typing is expected to provide better results in view of the characteristics of the carbonate reservoar and their potential so that the development of ADH Fields can be more efficient. This research was conducted using subsurface data, in the form of 3D seismic data, log wells, and core and thin section data. The number of wells used in this study were 3 wells with 1 well consisting of data of core and thin section. Analysis and interpretation done in this research is to know facies, facies association, diagenesis and distribution of rock type and its distribution below surface. The Tuban Formation in ADH field consists of five lithofasies namely Skeletal Packestone, Skeletal Grainstone, Skeletal Wackestone, Alga boundstone, and Skeletal Pelloid Packestone. There are two major facies associations in this research: Foreslope and Organic Build Up. Diagenetic processes that occur include the micritization, dissolution, and compaction, with environmental of diagenesis in the form of marine diagenesis, meteoric diagenesis, and burial diagenesis. There are 3 classification of rock type that is PRT 1 (vuggy porosity and moldic macropore patchy association) with porosity more than 21% and permeability more than 41 mD, PRT 2 (interparticle meso-macropore patchy association) with porosity between 4-21% and permeability varying from 1 to 61 mD, and PRT 3 (interparticle micropore uniform) with a porosity value less than 2% with permeability less than 1 mD. Based on the inversion result, it can be seen that the research area is basically dominated by the presence of PRT 3 of about 55% (interparticle micropore uniform), there is also the presence of PRT 1 about 40% (vuggy porosity and moldic macropore patchy association) wwhere it is the PRT PRT's most excellent and a small presence of PRT 2 about 5% (interparticle mesopore patchy association) where this type of PRT is a middle-level among other types of PRT.

Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: Litofasies, karbonat, diagenesis, rock typing, inversi stokastik / Keywords: Lithofacies, carbonat, diagenetic, rock typing, stohastic inversion

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