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Implementasi Developmental State Theory melalui Pengembangan Kluster Industri Militer : Studi Kasus Lembah Silikon Di Bangalore India dan Sekitarnya

ISMIYATUN, Prof Jahja Muhaimin MA PhD, Dr Dafri Agus Salim MA

2017 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Politik

ABSTRACT The research was held to investigate India goverment policy in military industry development toward Bangalore silicon valley area as information technology military industry cluster for anticipate revolution on military affairs. India silicon valley development had different type, partnership system with local firm and MNC had roled as pathway to technology transfer and human capital. The novelty was lied on its description about Developmentalist State Theory (DST), especially state domain and strategy toward market. India had half intervention characteristic. State owned enterprises was defended beside took collaboration with market.. The strategy non pure lead market prefer empowerment of competence qualification for domestic firm, hold development agencies networking and diplomacy for support regulation. High technology cluster could reinforce feasibilty of state domain, and strategy because of its technology venture gave power to attain economic diplomacy. The recent researches explored that issue but in fragmented ways, while as general silicon valley was identical with capitalist and neoliberal, but with economic diplomacy, developmentalist state could utilize behind policy to its military industry. India developed its military industry through instrument of techno park with half intervention as state domain and non pure market strategy as nature of DST, specially on offset restructuring with defense procurement procedure, politisasi secara integral dengan specific economic zone (SEZ), management of private domestic firm, , angel investor, research university and defense contractor. Beside that, also running military industrial market orientation with economic and military diplomacy, nature resources management and revitalize of counter trade system. The country could run many strategies as concern as concept in the theory because of their ability to maintain GDP improvement, enhance military share holder in declining poverty and use military budget effectively. This success is also supported by internal factors are their geopolitics area, power of human capital and domestic firm as private military service company. While external factors are availability of traditional and potential markets, support from India diaspora community in United State and Europe and industrial states both government and defense contractors. Beside gave empowerment of India as the model, the research, found link of diplomacy and techno park in the theory. Diplomacy as part of strategy, so its type and style variety following of their state domain. Although generally, developmental states gave priority on economic, trade and domestic issues aggregation. The other side, techno park using moved them toward military diplomacy. From this perspective them rose development diplomacy in early of 21 century. It gave impact factor, met defense contractor to global chain management. Economic sector push up to supply and demand curve meeting more benefit both for industrial dan least developed countries INTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi peran kebijakan pemerintah India dalam pengembangan industri militer di lembah silikon Bangalore dan sekitarnya sebagai suatu kluster industri berteknologi informasi, guna mengantisipasi fenomena revolusi dalam militer (persenjataan). Kebaruan penelitian ini terletak pada deskripsinya tentang domain negara dan strategi yang dijalankan terhadap pasar. India memiliki karakteristik setengah intervensi. Perusahaan milik tetap dipertahankan disamping menjalankan kolaborasi dengan pasar. Spesifikasi strateginya lebih mengutamakan unsur penguatan melalui standar kompetensi bagi firma domestik, penciptaan jaringan yang mendukung peningkatan agen pembangunan dan diplomasi sebagai pendukung regulasi. Kluster berteknologi tinggi dari sudut teori ini mampu menjadi penguat kelayakan atas tipologi domain negara serta strategi yang dihasilkannya karena ventura teknologi yang diproduksinya memberikan kekuasaan guna menjalankan diplomasi ekonomi. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu telah mengeksplorasinya tetapi dengan cara yang terpisah pisah, sementara secara umum lembah silikon identik dengan kapitalisme dan neo liberalisme, tetapi melalui diplomasi ekonomi, teori negara pembangunan mampu memberdayakan kebijakan di balik pengembangan industri militer mereka. India mengembangkan industri militer melalui wahana kluster teknology dengan mengimlementasikan setengah intervensi sebagai wujud domain negara dan strategi memimpin pasar tidak sempurna, khususnya dalam restrukturisasi offset melalui prosedur pengadaan persenjataan , politisasi secara integral dengan zona ekonomi khusus, manajemen atas firma swasta domestik, investor informal, universitas riset dan kontraktor pertahanan. Selain itu juga menjalankan orientasi atas pasar industri militer melalui diplomasi ekonomi dan militer, serta manajemen sumber daya alam melalui revitalisasi sistem barter. Keberhasilannya dilihat dari kemampuannya menjaga kelangsungan peningkatan GDP, melibatkan pemangku industri industri militer dalam pengentasan kemiskinan dan efektif dalam penggunaan anggaran belanja militer. Keberhasilan ini didukung oleh faktor internal : letak geografis India, kekuatan modal manusia domestik dan firma domestik India, sedangkan faktor eksternal mencakup ketersediaan pasar potensial dan tradisional, dukungan komunitas India di AS dan Eropa dan dukungan negara industri baik pemerintah maupun kontraktor pertahanan. Selain menguatkan keberadaan India sebagai salah satu model teori ini, melalui penelitian ini ditemukan kedudukan diplomasi dan kluster teknologi di dalamnya. Diplomasi menjadi bagian dari strategi, sehingga bentuk domain menentukan keragamannya . Meskipun demikian secara umum negara kelompok ini, memprioritaskan unsur ekonomi,perdagangan, serta agregasi masalah domestik. Di sisi lainnya penggunaannya merupakan prasyarat mutlak bagi industri militer menuntun mereka untuk memasukkan diplomasi militer sebagai pendampingnya. Dari sudut pandang ini, kemudian muncul istilah diplomasi pembangunan pada awal abad 21 ini. Dampak penggunaannya mendekatkan industri militer khususnya jaringan pertahanan ke dalam manajemen mata rantai global sehingga mendorong sektor ekonomi semakin menyatu dengan sub sektor ini. Kekuatan pembelian dan penjualan yang cukup besar mampu bertemu dalam posisi yang menguntungkan bagi negara industri dan berkembang, sebagai dampak intervensi pemerintah

ABSTRACT The research was held to investigate India goverment policy in military industry development toward Bangalore silicon valley area as information technology military industry cluster for anticipate revolution on military affairs. India silicon valley development had different type, partnership system with local firm and MNC had roled as pathway to technology transfer and human capital. The novelty was lied on its description about Developmentalist State Theory (DST), especially state domain and strategy toward market. India had half intervention characteristic. State owned enterprises was defended beside took collaboration with market.. The strategy non pure lead market prefer empowerment of competence qualification for domestic firm, hold development agencies networking and diplomacy for support regulation. High technology cluster could reinforce feasibilty of state domain, and strategy because of its technology venture gave power to attain economic diplomacy. The recent researches explored that issue but in fragmented ways, while as general silicon valley was identical with capitalist and neoliberal, but with economic diplomacy, developmentalist state could utilize behind policy to its military industry. India developed its military industry through instrument of techno park with half intervention as state domain and non pure market strategy as nature of DST, specially on offset restructuring with defense procurement procedure, politisasi secara integral dengan specific economic zone (SEZ), management of private domestic firm, , angel investor, research university and defense contractor. Beside that, also running military industrial market orientation with economic and military diplomacy, nature resources management and revitalize of counter trade system. The country could run many strategies as concern as concept in the theory because of their ability to maintain GDP improvement, enhance military share holder in declining poverty and use military budget effectively. This success is also supported by internal factors are their geopolitics area, power of human capital and domestic firm as private military service company. While external factors are availability of traditional and potential markets, support from India diaspora community in United State and Europe and industrial states both government and defense contractors. Beside gave empowerment of India as the model, the research, found link of diplomacy and techno park in the theory. Diplomacy as part of strategy, so its type and style variety following of their state domain. Although generally, developmental states gave priority on economic, trade and domestic issues aggregation. The other side, techno park using moved them toward military diplomacy. From this perspective them rose development diplomacy in early of 21 century. It gave impact factor, met defense contractor to global chain management. Economic sector push up to supply and demand curve meeting more benefit both for industrial dan least developed countries Keywords : military industry, technology cluster, developmentalist state theory

Kata Kunci : Keywords : military industry, technology cluster, developmentalist state theory,

  1. S3-2017-306985-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2017-306985-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2017-306985-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2017-306985-title.pdf