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Bendonina Dos Reis Jeronimo, Prof. dr. Adi Utarini, MSc., MPH., PhD, dr.Ari Probandari, MPH., PhD

2017 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Dengue adalah suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus. kementerian kesehatan Timor Leste melaporkan bahwa dari tahun 2012 sampai 2016 terdapat kasus dengue yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Kementerian kesehatan mempunyai quideline untuk vektor kontrol pada dengue untuk mengontrol dengue selama ini di Dili Timor Leste. Selain itu juga menggunakan quideline dari WHO untuk pengontrolan dengue. partisipasi masyarakat untuk intervensi dengue sangat efective dalam menurunglan angka kasus pada dengue. pada study menggunakan fidelity untuk mengetahui tentang ketaatan pada dengue kontrol. dengan tujuan secara umum untuk mengetahui ketaatan tenaga kesehatan denga masyarakat pada kontrol dengue. dengan metode yang dilakukan adalah Mix method dengan explanatory sequental design. dari hasil yang ada bahwa pengetahua, perilaku pada masyarakat sangat tinggi, semua respondent memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi. hasilnya juga mengetahui bahwa tingginya pengetahuan seseoarang tidak ada hubungannya dengan level pendidikan. berdasarkan observasi malah terdapat 22.14% yang memiliki larva dirumah dan banyak yang memilik breeding site nyamuk. kebanyakan orang tidak mentaati untuk memakai abate dalam kontiner air yang mereka miliki. dari 381 hanya 9 rumah yang memiliki poster dengue. kesimpulannya walaupun mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi namun itu tidak dipraktekkan sehari hari. intervensinya agak rendah. dan perlu dilakukan sosialisasi pada quideline.

Background: Dengue is an emerging arboviral disease that is mainly transmitted. Ministry of Health of Timor Leste has reported that in 2012 until 2016 dengue cases are incresing from year by year. The Ministry of Health has routine operation planning for dengue vector control to be iimplemented in the vector control intervention in Dili municipality, Timor Leste, and also uses WHO guideline as the main guideline for the interventinon. The participation of community in dengue intervention is effective to reduce the potential breeding site of mosquitos according to several studies. Some components of fidelity of the program identified may contribute regarding the adherence to dengue control. Objective: The aim of this research was to assess the community and health provider adherence on dengue breeding site control in Dili, Timor Leste Methods: This study applied a mix method of quantitative and qualitative. Both of them were analysed using a explanatory sequential design. The methods of collecting the data applied in this study were conducted through 15 in-depth interviews and surveys on 381 households. The qualitative analysis was used to explore quantitative findings, to assess health staff adherence, and to explore the factors influencing the breeding site control. In-depth interviews were carried out with health providers who have worked in dengue program and volunteers of dengue control. Results: The finding of the study reveals that the KAP of respondents is really high. All respondents had good knowledge, good practice, and good attitude. There is no significant difference between the KAP and the level of education of the respondents. Based on the observation, it was found that 22.04% of the respondents houses observed had larvae and 60.56% of the households had potential breeding sites. Regarding the frequency of pouring chemical and environmental management, only 17.6% respondents who stated that they always do the activities, while the majority of the respondents (73.5%) sometimes did the activities. The rest of the respondents (62.5%) said that they never����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½������¯������¿������½����¯�¿�½���¯���¿���½����¯�¿�½������¢ poured the chemical to their water containers. In addition, a lack of community awareness, a lack of IEC material, poor intervention for dengue control which is not keenly followed the guideline, and a lack of guideline comprehensiveness used for controlling dengue in Timor Leste are challenges that become barriers to the dengue controlling program Conclusion: although the knowledge and attitude respondent were good, however it did not lead to the practice. The implementation for dengue control was quite poor, needed to strengthen socialization of dengue guideline and strengthen the capability of volunteer.

Kata Kunci : Key word: health provider adherence, community involvement, and Timor Leste.

  1. S2-2017-391497-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-391497-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-391497-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-391497-title.pdf