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Central giant cell granuloma dan kolestasis intrahepatal ec infeksi CMV kongenital

MARSHALLA AGNES, Dr. dr. Titis Widowati, Sp.A(K); Prof. Dr. dr. Elisabeth S. Herini, Sp.A(K)

2017 | Tesis-Spesialis | SP ILMU KESEHATAN ANAK

Anak central giant cell granuloma dengan kolestasis intrahepatal ec infeksi CMV kongenital memerlukan terapi komprehensif yang melibatkan keluarga, dokter anak, patologi anatomi, dokter THT, dokter gigi, bagian elektromedik, terapi wicara, dan laboratorium. Pemantauan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, komplikasi penyakit, dan tatalaksana sangatlah penting untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak. Pada laporan kasus ini, anak perempuan usia 4 bulan yang telah terdiagnosis central giant cell granuloma dan kolestasis intrahepatal ec infeksi CMV kongenital. Telah dilakukan pemantauan dan intervensi pada anak berupa pemantauan efek samping, respon terapi, fungsi pendengaran, bentuk gigi, pertumbuhan, gangguan bicara, epilepsi, intellectual disability, korioretinitis, imunisasi, edukasi dan kunjungan rumah, demi mencapai tumbuh kembang dan kualitas hidup yang optimal.

Central giant cell granuloma children with intrahepatic cholestasis caused by CMV congenital infections require comprehensive therapy involving families, pediatricians, anatomical pathology, ENT doctors, dentists, electromedic person, speech therapy, and laboratories. Monitoring of growth and development, disease complication, and management are essential to improve the quality of life of children. In this case report, girls have been diagnosed central giant cell granuloma and intrahepatal cholestasis caused by CMV congenital infection since the age of the 4 months. Monitoring and intervention of children had been done such as monitoring of side effects, therapeutic response, hearing function, tooth form, growth, speech impairment, epilepsy, intellectual disability, chorioretinitis, immunization, education and home visit, in order to achieve growth and optimal quality of life.

Kata Kunci : central giant cell granuloma, CMV kongenital, kualitas hidup

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