Laporkan Masalah


MUTIARA NUR ISNAINI, Dr. Ir.Tyas Utami, M.Sc. ; Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang S. Rahayu, M.S.


Yogurt adalah produk susu fermentasi yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi susu dengan bakteri asam laktat. Tigabelas strain Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih (B7, D8, F2, F5, F16, G1, G2, G3, G8, H1, H2, H33, dan M12) digunakan untuk pembuatan yogurt pada penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian ini mempelajari kemampuan dan stabilitas yogurt dengan inokulum Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih dalam memproduksi asam, pH dan pembentukan curd selama penyimpanan, mengetahui pengaruh suhu inkubasi fermentasi yogurt terhadap pertumbuhan isolat Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih, produksi asam, pH, daya ikat air, dan pembentukan curd, dan menentukan isolat potensial sebagai inokulum fermentasi yogurt. Uji kemanpuan isolat Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih, inkubasi dilakukan pada suhu 37°C selama 24 jam, uji stabilitas dilakukan penyimpanan yogurt selama 3 minggu pada suhu 4°C dan pengaruh suhu inkubasi dilakukan pada suhu 30, 37 dan 42°C selama 16 jam. Semua isolat Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih mampu memproduksi asam, menurunkan pH, dan membentuk curd selama 24 jam inkubasi. Penyimpanan yogurt selama 3 minggu pada suhu 4°C, masih mengalami kenaikan produksi asam, penurunan pH dan perubahan curd yang menandakan masih adanya proses metabolisme selama penyimpanan. Isolat Lactobacillus plantarum dari dadih tumbuh pada suhu 30°C. Untuk produksi asam dan pembentukan curd suhu optimum pada 37°C. Pada suhu 42°C pertumbuhan dan produksi metabolit terhambat. Kultur potensial sebagai inokulum yogurt adalah Lactobacillus plantarum F16 dan H33.

Yogurt is a dairy product produced from milk fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Thirteen isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih (B7, D8, F2, F5, F16, G1, G2, G3, G8, H1, H2, H33, and M12) were used for made a yogurt in this research. The objectives of this research is studied the ability and stability of yogurt with inoculum Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih in acid production, pH and curd formation during storage, knowing the effect of incubation temperature of yogurt fermentation toward growth of Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih, acid production, pH, water holding capacity, and curd formation, and to determine potential isolates as inoculum in yogurt fermentation. To study the ablity of Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih, incubation was conducted at 37° C for 24 hours, for the stability test, yogurt was stored for 3 weeks at 4°C and the effect of incubation temperature was conducted at 30, 37 and 42° C for 16 hours. All isolates of Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih were able to produce acid, decrease pH value, and curd formation for 24 hours incubation. On storage of yogurt for 3 weeks at 4°C, increasing of acid production, decreasing of pH value and changing of curd formation. Isolates Lactobacillus plantarum from dadih grow at 30° C. For acid production and curd formation the optimum temperature at 37° C. At 42° C the growth and production of metabolites are inhibited. Potential cultures as yogurt inoculum are Lactobacillus plantarum F16 and H33.

Kata Kunci : : Lactobacillus plantarum, fermentasi yogurt, suhu inkubasi, pH, curd