Laporkan Masalah


BARTI, Dr.Ir. Bambang Triyatmo, M.P.; Ir. Sukardi, M.P.

2017 | Skripsi | S1 BUDIDAYA PERIKANAN

Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknik dan usaha budidaya udang vaname dalam tambak pada lahan pasir di Pesisir Kecamatan Galur Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Sampel petambak ditentukan secara proporsional dan dikumpulkan berdasarkan strata luas tambak. Pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Sampel yang diambil 51 petak tambak dari populasi tambak sebanyak2 51 petak. Sampel terdiri atas 3 strata luas tambak yaitu >1.500 m2 12 petak; 1.000 sampai 1.500 m2 16 petak; dan <1.000 m2 24 petak. Hasil penelitian budidaya udang vaname pada strata luas tambak <1.000 m2 , 1.000 sampai 1.500 m2 , dan >1.500 m2, mempunyai produktivitas berkisar antara 13-18 ton/Ha, secara teknis termasuk layak dilaksanakan. Produktivitas tambak paling tinggi sebesar 18 ton/Ha diperoleh pada strata luas >1.500 m2 (rerata 1.804 m2), secara teknis tambak dibuat pada tanah pasir yang dilapisi plastik, kedalaman air 130 cm, padat tebar 158 ekor/m2, waktu pemeliharaan 86 hari, penggunaan kincir 23 unit/Ha (daya 1 PK/unit, dengan 6 baling-baling/unit), penggunaan probiotik 36 Kg/Ha dan nilai nisbah konversi pakan (Feed Conversion Ratio / FCR) 1,1. Usaha budidaya udang vaname pada strata luas tambak <1.000 m2, 1.000 sampai 1.500 m2 , dan >1.500 m2, mempunyai nilai nisbah revenue/cost (R/C) ratio berkisar antara 1,3 sampai 2,4; termasuk layak diusahakan. Nilai R/C ratio paling tinggi sebesar 2,4 diperoleh pada strata luas tambak >1.500 m2, dengan pendapatan Rp 127.977.122,00/Ha per siklus {nilai titik impas (Break Event Point/BEP) produk 1.168 kg dan BEP harga Rp 31.392,00/Kg}.

This research aimed to know the technical& financial feasibility of the white shrimpcultivation in the Coastal areaof Temon DistrictKulon Progo Regency. The research used was survey method. The farmer's samples determined proportionally and the data obtained was subsequently classified based on the pond area strata. Data collection has done by observation and interview. Samples taken as many as 51 plots, from the population of 252 plots. The sample consisted of 3 strata of pond area that was > 1,500 m2 as many as 12 plots; 1,000-1,500 m2 as many as 16 plots; <1,000 m2 as many as 24 plots. The results of white shrimp cultivation in pond strata area <1,000 m2; 1,000 to 1,500 m2; and > 1,500 m2, have productivity ranged between 13 to 18 ton/Ha, technically including feasible. The highest productivity of ponds of 18 ton/Ha obtained from pond strata area > 1,500 m2 (average of 1.804 m2), technically the pond made on plastic-coated sandy soil, water depth 130 cm, stocking density 158 larvae/m2, 86 days of culture, using of 22 units of windmill/Ha (power 1 PK/unit, with 6 vanes/unit),using of probiotics as much as 797 Kg/Ha and feed conversion ratio (FCR) 1.1. The cultivation of white shrimpin pond strata area <1,000 m2; 1,000 to 1,500 m2; and >1,500 m2, had value of revenue / cost (R/C) ratio ranged from 1.3 to 2.4; including feasible cultivation. The highest R/C ratio of 2.4 was obtained from pond strata area> 1,500 m2, with revenue Rp, 127.977.122,00-/Ha per cycle {Break Event Point / BEP) 1,168 kg and BEP price Rp . 31.392, - /kg}.

Kata Kunci : financial,ponds, sand soil, technical, white shrimp

  1. S1-2017-333039-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-333039-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-333039-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-333039-title.pdf