Laporkan Masalah


SRI ANINDITHA K, Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A., M.Com.

2017 | Tesis | S2 MANAJEMEN (MM) JAKARTA

Bisnis mainan anak DOLLAN merupakan desain portal informasi (website) yang dipergunakan untuk bisnis ecommerce penjualan produk mainan anak. Rancangan aplikasi ini adalah berupa model (prototype) yang dikembangkan sehingga mampu memfasilitasi kegiatan bisnis melalui media internet untuk menjual produk mainan anak dan mengakses segala informasi yang berhubungan dengan mainan anak. DOLLAN hadir untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara kepentingan bisnis dan kebutuhan akan pendidikan anak dengan teknologi internet sebagai media yang dipergunakan untuk terciptanya hubungan saling menguntungkan antara bisnis dan perkembangan anak. Bisnis mainan anak secara umum dirancang dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek antara lain: kepentingan penjual produk mainan anak untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dan kepentingan user dengan kebutuhan akan produk mainan anak yang komprehensif yang meliputi seluruh aspek kebutuhan anak akan entertainment, edukasi, perkembangan motorik yang berpengaruh terhadap psikologis dan perkembangan anak. DOLLAN dikembangkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek, yaitu kemudahan akses, estetika, daya tarik, serta variabilitas. Pengembangan website DOLLAN disesuaikan dengan anatomi dari sembilan elemen bisnis model kanvas yaitu segmen pelanggan, nilai tambah, saluran distribusi, hubungan antar konsumen, aktivitas kunci, sumber daya, kemitraan, pendapatan, biaya dianalisa menggunakan fishbone diagram dan emphaty map. Analisis juga dilakukan dengan cara evaluasi website, yang terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu evaluasi website berdasarkan website sejenis dan evaluasi berdasarkan kuesioner. Analisis juga didasarkan pada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas web usability antara lain: learnability, memorability, efficiency, errors, dan user satisfaction.

DOLLAN is an information portal design (website) used for e-commerce business of selling toys products. The design of this application is a model (prototype) developed to facilitate business activities through the Internet media, which can be used to sell toys product and access to all information related to the toys. DOLLAN aims to fulfill the business interests and the need for children, education with internet technology as a medium used to create mutual relationship between business and child development. Children toys business is generally designed with attention to several aspects, among others: the interest of children toys product sales for seeking benefit and the interest of users with the need for a comprehensive toys products that might cover all aspects of children needs for entertainment, education, and motor development that affects the psychological and development of children. DOLLAN is developed by taking into account several aspects, namely ease of access, aesthetics, attractiveness, and variability. DOLLAN website development is tailored to the anatomy of the nine elements of the canvas business model: customer segments, value prepositions, channels, customer relationships, key activities, key resources, key partnerships, revenues, costs and was analyzed by using fishbone diagrams and empathy maps. The analysis is also conducted by using website evaluation. The website evaluation covers two things; similar website evaluation-based analysis and questionnaire-based analysis. In the analysis, several factors that influence the quality of website are also applied. The factors are learnability, memorability, efficiency, errors, and user satisfaction. The test result of model shows the positive influence of that five factors to the quality of DOLLAN as website. The try-out of model resulted in the assessment of usability quality and the accomplishment of try-out scenario. Based on the evaluation, the next stage is arranging short-term and long-term plan to develop website DOLLAN more comprehensively and would be used as a facilitator for parents who need any information about the children.

Kata Kunci : business model, toys, kids, fishbone, empathy map, business model canvas, website, application, prototype, usability