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LHORA ARIE SANDY, dr. Nunik Agustriani SpB, SpBA (K)

2017 | Tesis-Spesialis | SP ILMU BEDAH ANAK

Latar belakang: Omphalocele adalah kegagalan penutupan dindingperut Pada fase embrionic pada minggu ke sebelas, yang disebabkan oleh ekstrusi visceral pada umbilical cord. Insidensi 1 : 5000 kelahiran . Mortalitas dapat mencapai 80% jika disertai kelainan kongenital lain. Metode: Dengan Retrospective untuk mengevaluasi managemen Dan outcome bayi Omphalocele dengan menggunakan data dari Rekam medis di RSUP Sarjito periode Januari 2010 sampai dengan Agustus 2015. Dengan analisa Chi Square dan angka kepercayaan p < 0.05 dan analisa kepercayaan menggunakan kurva Kaplan Meyer Hasil: Ada 42 pasien yang masuk kedalam kriteria inklusi. Variabel bebas (Jenis kelamin,cara persalinan , usia kehamilan, Berat badan lahir, usia bayi, diameter, kejadian ruptur, kelainan kongenital penyerta , dan sepsis) tidak bermakna/ signifikan (p > 0.05) pada manajemen (Konservatif dan pembedahan) dengan nilai p = 0.313. Kesimpulan: Semua variabel bebas (Jenis kelamin,cara persalinan , usia kehamilan, Berat badan lahir, usia bayi, diameter, kejadian ruptur, kelainan kongenital penyerta , dan sepsis) tidak berpengaruh pada manajemen Omphalocele di RSUP Sarjito. Dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut, dengan sampel lebih besar dan penelitian lebih lama.

Background: Omphalocele is failure of closing of the abdominal wall in embryonic phase in the eleventh week which causes the visceral extrusion from the umbilical cord opening. Incidence rate of omphalocele overall is assumed 1 per 5000 live birth. Mortality rates can approach 80% when an associated anomalies are present. Method: We performed a retrospective study to evaluate management and outcome of newborns with an omphalocele using data from the medical records of Sardjito General Hospital from January 2010 to August 2015. The different factors then analyzed using chi square with level of significance p < 0.05 and survival analyzed using Kaplan Meier curves. Result: A total of 42 patients were included in this study. All factors (sex, delivery, gestasional age, birth weight, baby age, omphalocele diameter, ruptur, associated anomalies, and sepsis) are not significanlty different (p > 0.05) to treated management (conservative or surgical) and outcome were not significantly different between conservative or surgical therapy (p = 0.313). Conclusion: All independent variables factors (sex, delivery, gestasional age, birth weight, baby age, omphalocele diameter, ruptur, associated anomalies, and sepsis) not affected to management omphalocele at Sardjito General Hospital. There is a need to further investigate with bigger sample numbers and longer time period.

Kata Kunci : Omphalocele, Manajemen, Outcome, RSUP Sarjito, omphalocele, management, outcome,

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