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MUJI LESTARI, Dr. Jamhari SP., MP.; Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto, M.S.


Penelitian dengan judul ''Efisiensi Distribusi Pupuk Bersubsidi di Kabupaten Sragen'' ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) efektivitas HET pupuk urea bersubsidi di tingkat petani (2) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harga pupuk urea bersubsidi (3) marjin pemasaran (4) share margin (5) tingkat monopoli (6) tingkat efisiensi distribusi pupuk urea bersubsidi. Kebijakan pupuk bersubsidi telah berlaku di Indonesia sejak tahun 1970-an dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian dan mendukung ketahanan pangan. Sampel lembaga distribusi yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling dan sampel petani yang dipilih menggunakan snowball sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu presentase efektivitas untuk menganalisis efektivitas HET. Analisis regresi linier berganda, marjin pemasaran, share margin, Monopoly Performance Index (MPI), dan inefisiensi pemasaran untuk menganalisis efisiensi distribusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua saluran pada distribusi pupuk urea bersubsidi di Kabupaten Sragen yaitu saluran pendek terdiri daridistributor-pengecer resmi-petani dan saluran panjang terdiri dari distributor-pengecer resmi-kelompok tani-petani. Keefektifan HET pupuk urea bersubsidi tergolong tidak efektif dan faktor yang mempengaruhi harga pupuk urea ditingkat petani yaitu jarak, biaya transportasi, dan panjang saluran. Marjin pemasaran terendah, share margin tertinggi, nilai indeks monopoli terendah, dan nilai inefisiensi pemasaran terendah ditemukan pada saluran pendek distribusi pupuk urea bersubsidi.

The research entitled “Efficiency of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution in Sragen Regency” eaimed to analyze (1) the Maximum Retailer Price (MRP) effectiveness of subsidized urea fertilizer at the farm level (2) the factors that affect the price of subsidized urea fertilizer (3) marketing margin (4) share margin (5) the level of monopoly (6) the efficiency level of subsidized urea fertilizer distribution. Subsidized fertilizer policy has been applied in Indonesia since 1970 which aims to increase the productivity of agriculture and support food security. The participants from distributor were selected using purposive sampling. Furthermore, the participants from farmers were selected using snowball sampling. Effectiveness percentage were applied in effectiveness Maximum Retailer Price (MRP) analysis, multiple linier regression analysis, marketing margin, share margin, Monopoly Performance Index, and marketing inefficiency were applied in distribution efficiency analysis. The result showed that there were two channels on the distribution of subsidized urea fertilizer in Sragen Regency: short channel which consisted of distribution-authorized reseller-farmer and long channel which consisted of distribution-authorized reseller-farmer groups-farmer. The Maximum Retailer Price (MRP) effectiveness of subsidized urea fertilizer was relatively ineffective and the determinant factors of the price of subsidized urea fertilizer for farmers were the distance, transportation costs, and the channel length. The lowest of marketing margin, the highest of share margin, the lowest value of monopoly index and the lowest value of marketing inefficiency were found in the shortest marketing channel of subsidized urea fertilizer distribution.

Kata Kunci : distribusi, HET, efisiensi pemasaran, pupuk urea bersubsidi / distribution, Maximum Retailer Price (MRP), marketing efficiency, subsidized urea fertilizer

  1. S1-2017-349882-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-349882-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-349882-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-349882-title.pdf